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TJ Aich

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  • Aug 24, 2023 @ 06:22am

    Saying something without really doing anything

    On paper I suppose this makes Microsoft look good, but in practice, it wouldn't amount to much. Ubisoft doesn't have a cloud streaming service, so the only thing it could do is put games on other services like GeForce Now (which Microsoft already struck a deal to include) and maybe Amazon Luna. It could mean that those games would be included in Ubisoft+, but that doesn't seem to be the case from the wording of this article. As for porting games to Linux, Microsoft knows Ubisoft is not about to do this when Valve already has Proton working on pretty much every game, and that doesn't financially benefit Ubisoft at all anyway. This is all just theatrics.

  • Aug 11, 2023 @ 11:38am

    Just an Ivy League Nazi

    Just for kicks, I decided to browse this guy's blog and twitter page. He shows all the signs of a white christian nationalist. He's just educated enough to dress up his language in flowery "I can see both sides of the argument" rhetoric. These people are so mainstream now that they're presented as just an "alternative point of view" even when they provide nothing but conjecture to back up their arguments. Buckle up. It seems like America is going to be stuck in this stage for the long haul.

  • Sep 16, 2022 @ 12:40pm

    America has refused to deal with white supremacy in any meaningful way, probably because the elite who fund both parties ultimately still profit from it. This has been consistent since slavery, and until they stop treating it like its a valid point of view rather than an extremist ideology, it will not go away.No amount of banning or moderating speech will do that. You have to fundamentally and radically change the culture that lets it exist.Germany did this. Japan did it. America prefers to brush it under the rug.

  • Jul 16, 2022 @ 02:50am

    I tend to agree with not censoring it. America has a white supremacy problem that it needs to deal with, and part of dealing with it is talking about it. A lot of the people who want to censor it want to pretend like it doesn't exist, thereby perpetuating it as a silent systemic institution that does far more harm than open bigotry. If you have a disease, you don't fix it by ignoring it and hoping it will go away. Educators, of all people, should've seen this as a "teachable moment" where they could bring up these conversations instead of burying them.