KevinEHayden 's Techdirt Comments

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  • Dangerous Copyright Ruling In Europe Opens The Door To Widespread Censorship

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 20 Jun, 2017 @ 05:44pm

    This opens a whole new copyright troll vector!

    Trolls set up a website/page with some non-copyrighted/public domain stuff that folks might want or find interesting. They wait until a sufficient number of people publish links to it on their websites/facebook pages/etc. Now that there are lots of folks linking to the website, they swap out the non-copyrighted stuff for things they own the copyright on. Presto! Everyone who linked to them is now linking to their 'valuable' copyrighted stuff and must pay them for the 'infringement'. Good thing Steele and Hansmier have been outed. I'm sure they'd be trying stuff like this pretty soon. Although I suspect there's no shortage of other low-lifes to step up and fill their shoes.

  • ISP-Loyal Marsha Blackburn Pushing New Broadband Privacy Law, But It's A Hollow PR Show Pony With No Chance Of Passing

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 31 May, 2017 @ 08:05am


    Hopefully, the people of Tennessee have finally woken up.
    If they don't get rid of Blackburn this time around then they deserve whatever garbage laws she manages to foist on them. Too bad for the rest of the USA, though, since they won't have a choice in whether she gets turfed or not. However, I'm sure they have their own 'Blackburns' who shouldn't be returned to office either. All of you had better educate yourselves about the issues and get out to vote next time. Either way, you'll truly end up with the government you deserve, but only by paying attention and voting will you get the government most of you want.

  • Want To Promote Breastfeeding? That's A Trade Barrier, Says US Trade Rep

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 28 Apr, 2017 @ 08:10pm

    Re: Re: Seatbelts

    In related news, casket manufacturers and undertakers demand repeal of seatbelt and airbag laws as sales are down due to fewer accidental deaths.

  • Comcast Belatedly 'Introduces' Faster Broadband To City It Sued To Keep From Doing The Same Thing Years Ago. It Didn't Go Well

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 22 Apr, 2017 @ 08:11am


    Come on guys. Stop bitching about it and do something about it. Start with your local politicians (mayors/city council).
    You need to get them on board and taking a position that the ISP-sponsored restrictions are unfair and won't be tolerated.
    ALL of you need to stand behind them. The mayors, etc. need to get together and pick their own candidate (independent) to run against the Marsha Blackburns of the world in the next election at both the state and national levels. Don't back down when they see the groundswell of support against them and change their ways as they'll only slip back into their old ways once the corporate money starts coming in again. You need to destroy all of them politically and send a message that this kind of crap won't be tolerated any more. Remember, you the people are resonsible for the quality of the leaders you elect, so in a sense, you've done this to yourselves. Now get out there and FIX IT! ALL OF YOU!

  • If Facebook Becomes The Internet's Authentication System, Can Citizen Scores Around The World Be Far Behind?

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 06 Apr, 2017 @ 08:04am


    1) Single point of failure. If Facebook
    goes down for any length of time, then
    no one will be able to use the services
    that use it for authentication. Likewise,
    if a country decides to ban it, same
    thing for all of its citizens and probably
    anyone visiting there too.

    2) User security. Okay, so we're all using
    Facebook to log in everywhere. All it
    takes is one hack now (remember Yahoo)
    to steal the user database and voila,
    hackers now have everyone's login to
    everywhere. Just think of all the havoc
    that will ensue with regard to fraud and
    identity theft, etc.
    I'm sure the criminals are salivating
    at the thought.

    3) Privacy. Too many fools have their entire
    lives up on social media sites like this.
    Now the advertisers, spammers, and other
    assorted scam artists have access to all
    kinds of information about you, possibly
    even what online services you subscribe to.
    I really don't need anyone else knowing
    what I do, where I go, and when. At least
    this one can be mitigated by setting up
    a secondary account with either no or
    false personal information. I advise
    anyone who's forced to use Facebook as
    an authentication method to do this.

    The above is just what I can think up
    in a 5 minute window. I'm sure if I sat
    down and really thought about it some
    more, I could come up with even more
    reasons why this is a disaster waiting
    to happen. YOU'VE ALL BEEN WARNED!

  • Comcast Paid Civil Rights Groups To Support Killing Broadband Privacy Rules

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 05 Apr, 2017 @ 08:18am

    Grassroots donors should complain

    Being Canadian, I don't have much skin in this game, but here's a suggestion: Perhaps all the individuals who donated to these organizations and are now being affected by the new rules should demand their donations back. It would probably take a lot of them to make a dent against the millions 'donated' by the big corporations, but it's better than meekly handing over money to groups that are actually working against your interests and/or the public good.

  • Chicago Agrees To Make Red Light Camera System Barely Less Corrupt By Increasing Grace Period By 0.2 Seconds

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 28 Mar, 2017 @ 02:02pm

    Response to: Anonymous Coward on Mar 28th, 2017 @ 4:59am

    You're missing the point. They're NOT traffic control devices.
    They are revenue-generation tools. The more unpredictable the better. That way, they can collect more of your $$$$. Just wondering if anyone has checked the distance from one end of the intersection(s) to the other and checked it against speed limits. A vehicle entering as the light turns yellow should be able to fully exit at the maximum speed of the roadway (ie: without speeding), before the light turns red. If not, then there's definitely something corrupt going on.

  • Australian Govt.: Just Kidding On That Whole Safe Harbors Reform Thing, Guys

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 24 Mar, 2017 @ 12:56pm

    It's time to force the issue

    Maybe Google, Facebook, et al should just filter out Australian users and send them to a web page stating that they can't allow access to Australian users for fear of being sued.
    Perhaps the page could also include links to the e-mail addresses of Australia's MPs so would-be users can send them a quick note expressing their opinion. I'm sure the resulting deluge of outrage from folks at being denied access to their favorite social media sites will change their minds pretty quickly.

  • How Corporate Sovereignty In Trade Agreements Can Force National Laws To Be Changed

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 15 Mar, 2015 @ 09:42pm

    Boycott Esso

    Calling all Canadians to boycott Esso gas retail outlets. I'm sure if we all stopped buying gas from them for a while they'd lose a lot more than $17 million. Why the hell should I do business with a bunch of slimeballs who want to stick their hands in my pocket thru the backdoor? I'll never buy from Esso again.

  • Snowden & Greenwald Reveal PM John Key Lied About Kiwi Mass Surveillance; Key Hits Back By Calling Greenwald 'A Loser'

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 15 Sep, 2014 @ 07:37pm

    Pot, Kettle, Black

    Key must be the biggest hypocrite going. He has the nerve to call Greenwald Kim Dotcom's little henchman while at the same time selling his own countrymen out to the NSA. That makes him the US's bought and paid for own little henchman.
    GET THIS NEWS OUT TO THE MAINSTREAM NZ PRESS NOW, BEFORE HE GETS RE-ELECTED!! This guy needs to be turfed out, then charged with treason.

  • Upstart, Anti-Corruption Campaigns In NY, NH Don't Win, But Do Show Growing Anger Over Political Corruption

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 10 Sep, 2014 @ 10:20am

    How about the actual governor's race?

    Since this was only a primary, can Teachout and Wu still run in the actual election, or are there rules prohibiting that?
    (Sorry I'm not a US citizen so don't know).
    Or if so, maybe they should swap the offices they're running for to try and get around them. They've obviously got some name recognition now, and if they can steal some votes from the Republican side too, maybe one or both of them could actually get elected.

  • DOJ Pretends No Fly Guidelines Haven't Been Leaked, Claims 'State Secrets' To Avoid Revealing Them To The Judge

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 05 Sep, 2014 @ 09:13am

    Time for false leaks/redactions

    Maybe it's time for folks to start releasing false 'confidential' documents, or unredacting already released ones with phony redactions that paint the US government in the worst possible light. Then, it will be up to the government to show the true contents or live with an even worse reputation than they already have. When they start getting accused of some really terrible stuff, maybe the backlash from the public will be able to sweep all these corrupt assholes out of power.

  • NY Politician's Letter Supporting Comcast/Time Warner Cable Either Written By Comcast Or Plagiarized From Comcast

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 15 Aug, 2014 @ 11:09am

    Fire this guy's ass!

    Hey New York voters, Get rid of this guy in the next election. He can't even write his own opinions. Vote him out and vote in someone with integrity. Maybe if enough of you did this instead of sitting back relaxing and watching TV, the rest of them would sit up and take notice and realize that they work for the voters and not the corporations.

  • Hypocrisy In Action: Stingray Maker, Who Relies On Secret No Bid Contracts, Whines About Motorola Getting A No Bid Contract

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 15 Aug, 2014 @ 10:59am

    Force the black box open

    Maybe some smart criminal lawyer will find a way to get the NDAs and other stuff opened up in court while defnding a client. Something like this: "Procecution claims it got such and such evidence against my client via Harris Stingray device. How can we be sure that the device in question actually works? For all we know all the evidence from such a device could be purely fabricated." I wonder whether the defendant will be allowed to walk, or if Harris will be compelled to explain its' black box in open court. If it gets tried and succeeds enough times, eventually Harris will have to open up, or their equipment will become essentially useless.

  • Behind The Veil Part 4: Customer Trying To Cancel Service Is Put On Hold Until Comcast Office Closes

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 14 Aug, 2014 @ 07:10am

    Mess with their call center stats

    Maybe everyone should just start calling in at least once a day with some bogus item, or just to say hi. When they get put on hold, hang up and call back. Number of dropped calls will skyrocket and the call centers will look like idiots or have to hire more staff. Call up sales and threaten to close you account evey now and then and see what kind of 'deal' they offer you too. You never know, they might actually give you a better deal just to make you go away.

  • White House Reverses Course: Now Allowing Lobbyists To Serve On Insider Government 'Advisory' Boards

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 13 Aug, 2014 @ 06:54pm

    Follow the Money!

    Obama only has about 2 years left in office. Then he needs a real job to go back to. This is probably just a favour to some big corporate types in exchange for future consideration when the time comes. We'll only really know when he gets his next job. Either that or the 'real' powers that be have already got something juicy on him and are using that as leverage now. Maybe someone should start digging around in all the dirt to see what's really happening.

  • City Of London Police Arrest Creator Of Anti-Censorship Proxy Service Based On Hollywood's Say So

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 08 Aug, 2014 @ 07:27pm


    Probably not so much a distant relative as the love child of Sherrif Andy and Barney Fyfe. Or maybe Barney's younger, dumber brother.

  • Behind The Veil: Comcast Techs Detail How Customer Service Is Really All Just 'Sales'

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 06 Aug, 2014 @ 06:24pm

    Re: Canada (Rogers)

    No. Better to just replace Rogers (or Bell) with a small local ISP (Acanac, Teksavvy, etc). It worked for me. Faster downloads, no caps.

  • Germany Says It Won't Agree To CETA With Current Corporate Sovereignty Chapter

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 30 Jul, 2014 @ 07:26am

    Thanks Gemany

    Well we once saved Germany from tyranny in World War II. Now they're repaying us by saving us from corporate tyranny.
    Well done.

  • Verizon Gets Snarky, But Basically Admits That It's The One Clogging Its Networks On Purpose

    KevinEHayden ( profile ), 24 Jul, 2014 @ 07:26am

    Can Level 3 become an ISP?

    Maybe Level 3 should try to get into the ISP market in some select Verizon-only areas. I'm not in the US, so there may be rules/issues I'm not familiar with, but if it's possible and the threat is there, it could be used to keep Verizon and the others in line.

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