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  • May 19, 2012 @ 08:09am

    $ 10 eBooks (Textbooks)

    Selling specialized textbooks for 10 $ is a nonsense in many cases. I am myself preparing a book on Daltonism (Color Blindness). How much people would be interested you think?
    I?ll tell you: about 2-300 (not 300.000!). And 300 would be a dream result. Following your theory, that would result in a TURNOVER of 3000 USD at best! The author has been working on it for more than 3 years, proof reading (you think that is free? Think again..), translation from French to English, copyrighted illustrations (free you think?). Art work (Layout), sending flyers to addresses of members of specialized societies (Color Blindness Research): there you pay for the addresses, the 4-color flyer?s and the postage. Now comes the best: the bookseller naturally wants a discount too. Amazon especially! I did not mention royalties, because most of the time Scholars are waving this, knowing the publisher?s problems.
    You still believe we should put a 10 $ price tag? Then you have a problem.