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  • Apr 29, 2020 @ 10:11am

    Well let me tell you as one in the trenches there is a damn problem with broadband being presented in a "reasonable and timely fashion". The Covid 19 pandemic is just shining a spotlight on cracks that were already there. The FCC is just looking at the cracks and walking off whistling Ma Bells advertising tone.

  • Apr 14, 2020 @ 12:21pm

    Libraries and copyright issues.

    I think I commented when the Archive first went live with the Pandemic library, as a librarian I applaud the Library, it gives people access to collections that are as you say, locked away. Not having access to our collections is just as upsetting to us. The library exists for the people, its not a shrine for books. Getting books to the people however we can should be the goal of any librarian and the Archive is doing that. They ought to be applauded instead of distracted from their work by some petty little man who apparently wouldn't know a book or common sense if he was struck by them.And honestly if I could I would like to test that out.

  • Mar 31, 2020 @ 11:41am

    Libraries and copyright issues.

    As a librarian I for one welcome the Archive. In fact I was ecstatic. Our library had to close and it really bugs all of the librarians that we can't provide services people need safely. One idea we had was to continue our storytimes on line. We can't the biggest publishers will only let people do a live event and then we are to delete any recording we've made. How is this helpful how is this even reasonable? Do they think that by restricting us people are going to rush out and buy their books. Newsflash That isn't going to happen. It didn't happen before the new plague and it is sure not happening now. But when people ask why we can't and we tell them why I can guarantee the names of the publishers who did this are going to linger in memory far longer than the memory of a book being read on line.

  • Mar 18, 2019 @ 12:40pm


    Look. Strip away the Internet . If a far right "darling" said what they so love to say to my face in a public context, not only not only would I indulge in a little unladylike slapping, I'd do my level best to remove them from my immediate vicinity. Because its a virtual space doesn't change that case. They can't accept we think they're jackasses and don't want to hear it or engage in their brand of "discourse".