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  • Jan 09, 2018 @ 06:28pm

    Smart Farming IoT and 5G to Revolutionize Agriculture

    5G networks will provide farmers and the agricultural industry at large with the infrastructure to leverage advanced Smart Farming IoT technologies for tracking, monitoring, automating and analyzing their agricultural and industrial operations.

    Service providers and mobile operators are modernizing their network infrastructure in a substantial way, bringing network resources to the edge and integrating far distances through technologies such as small cells and Massive MIMO to get ready for much awaited 5G rollout and its industrial scale services in a number of sectors including agriculture. Smart Farming IoT and 5G to Revolutionize Agriculture... https://www.lanner-america.com/blog/smart-farming-iot-5g-agriculture/

  • Jan 08, 2018 @ 01:23pm

    How Is Blockchain Transforming Future Landscape of Cyber Security

    In today’s day and age, it is fairly likely that you’ll have heard of bitcoin, a relatively recently created digital cryptocurrency. However, it is a little less likely that you will have heard of blockchain technology, although, if this is the case, it will most likely not be that way for long. With the value of bitcoin recently topping over $13,000, blockchain technology has seen a surge in interest in its capabilities and potential applications. Considered by many as one of the most secure technologies available, blockchain is now looking likely to transform the landscapes of other technological areas, one of the most prominent being cyber security. How Is Blockchain Transforming Future Landscape of Cyber Security... https://www.lanner-america.com/blog/blockchain-transforming-future-landscape-cyber-security/