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  • Feb 23, 2011 @ 02:35pm

    Gotta Disagree


    I think that offering higher quality isn't a bad idea. As long as consumers are free to downgrade the product. I liken this to purchasing the DVD and then ripping a 700mb version to stream around my house. I keep the high quality version on the shelf nice and safe. Being able to do the same with music doesn't seem like a bad idea at least in this case because it is better quality than the CD.

    Get the higher quality version (if you desire it) then just format change it to fit more on your ipod or anything else.

  • Dec 29, 2010 @ 01:45pm

    I love this line!

    Check out the line on page 20089 (don't understand the page numbering but oh well) near the end of the first paragraph:

    "But, unlike der F?hrer, government officials in America occasionally must tolerate offensive or irritating speech."

    I like this judge and his sense of humor!