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  • Dec 09, 2014 @ 04:44pm


    Torture is what the u.s. went through on 9/11! Torture is dealing with liberals who are dead set on destroying the united states. Any thoughts or comments today from the media or liberals on the three thousand we lost on 9/11? Any concern for the those who have fought for our country prior to 9/11 or since? No! Zero concern for military or their families! Fuck the liberals america wasnt founded on their beliefs but will eventually die due to their beliefs. Thanks to the cia who interrogated the sobs who killed Soo many americans, thanks to bush, many thanks to reagan! So glad osama bin laden is dead! Was that torture?

  • Dec 09, 2014 @ 04:11pm


    Seems interrogation is worse than murder!? Not one liberal reporter ever mentioned what those fellow americans who died on 9/11 went through! Nevertheless their families? Remember how we were all together after 9/11? And now we complain? Why even report it to begin with? More liberal b.s. why not tortore them how many did they kill? How. many did the cia kill with torture? Be. glad the cia did what they did! I am! Liberals will lead this country to its early death.