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  • Sep 13, 2010 @ 07:51am

    Re: Re: Huh?

    Odd, I'd heard rumors of the Google Phone, but never the name of it or anything, until it was headed out as the Nexus. Being on Voice, I was trying to stay on top of things, but I haven't exactly been on top of everything like I try to be. Only so many feeds can be kept up with after all. I'll have to look up the G1, interesting...

  • Sep 13, 2010 @ 07:04am


    Ok, ok, ok, let me get this straight. Google is being sued because the Nexus One, equipped with the first mass release of Android, had bugs? Holy Crap!!!!! What about Microsoft?! They've been at this for years and they still have bugs! Or Apple, although those get swept under the rug. Linux. Car manufacturers. Everyone, really. Besides, the Nexus One was the first one of many to have Android. Now, try this. Get a new phone?

  • May 26, 2008 @ 10:01am

    Reply to all I've been reading

    I've been reading Techdirt stuff for a while, and this is my first post as well.

    The way I perceive it, I agree with the whole “moderation is the key” concept. And while yes, I agree that it is not always the most sensible, plausable, or available option, it is the most effective. I don't remember which band it was, but I once heard that they were asked what they thought of the p2p/torrent network and its effect on sales, they simply replied that it's ok. It got their name out, and it effectively filled their concerts up. The thing is, there is no way to shut it down. It is the mythilogical hydra, and there are way too many ways that it can be released. With limewire, the install for limewire pro is available in the limewire network. Me, I download through the torrent network. I download through the p2p network as well. I listen to music, I sample and I buy. I simply don't have the funds to buy much good music of late, so it isn't exactly an option to pay ten, fifteen bucks for a cd (especially with gas shooting up faster than a speeding bullet, I just hope it follows the bullet's example and comes back down). The thing is, there are those who dl to sample, and those who dl to keep. Example, WoW, you could copy that cd all you want and spread it out, month free of WoW and free cd, they wouldn't care. Their source code is safe. It's the server that sells, and it's the network that attracts. Pirate the source code all you want, it's fine. Your server won't attract. However, the topic at hand is music. I downloaded... who was it... Thousand Foot Krutch recently, guess what cd I bought as soon as I found it. Thousand Foot Krutch. I downloaded Linkin Park, Minutes to Midnight, sampled, went to iTunes and bought it, burned, ripped the burn so I could have it on mp3 and not protected AAC. I do a podcast to have fun, and I need mp3 to do so. Is what I did with my cd illegal?

    I guess this is an argument (not so much a debate lately, but I'm debating fyi, and some people would do well to learn the difference) on morals AND legality. So I'll put it this way. Was it legal to sample minutes to midnight like I did? No. but was it helpful in my decision on whether or not to buy the cd? Yes. Was it moral, in this light, I think so.

    What this started as was a TPB discussion. Could the US touch them in a torrent/p2p friendly country? I dunno. How can you sue someone who doesn't live here for stuff that while yes, it affects you, but no, they go by diff laws. Show me a case where something of this nature happened. Not a US vs US, but a US vs foreign company over something like this, or similar. I'm not challenging, I'm curious. I'm just saying I don't see how it can be done. TPB is doing something perfectly legal where they're at. Sue Google for what they do. They're doing the same thing, but with a different product. They show you where you can get websites, but TPB shows you where you can get data, whether it be a song, a discography, a movie, or a program. It's not TPB giving it to you, they're showing you where it is. The cops can show you where drugs are, does that mean the cops can go to jail for it? They're showing you it's there. They aren't giving it to you.