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  • Feb 20, 2014 @ 09:03am

    trafficking facts

    Here are some facts regarding human trafficking: the victims are not all children, and not always female, and the perps are not always male. Deceit in the pursuit of a worthy goal is still deceit, and it can misdirect an otherwise worthy effort.

    "NGOs have figured out that they can appeal to the public, donors and funders ***if they emphasize sex trafficking of girls.*** These organizations have a vested interest in defining the problem in one way over the other. Using the term women and girls frequently has a very clear purpose in attracting government funding, public and media attention but boys who are victimized are being ignored because most
    of the resources are devoted to girls,"[1]

    In many (most/all?) countries there are more male teenage prostitutes than female teenage prostitutes. No one seems to know or care[2]

    A study by John Jay College found that 50% of the ommercially sexually exploited children in New York City are boys. The study's results, however, led to little change. The results were ignored, and boys continued to find few resources to help him. [3]

    When it comes to prostitution, LEOs are more likely to arrest underage boys than girls[4]; girls are sent to social services. [5]

    Human traffickers are mostly women, according to the Australian Institute of Criminology.[6]

    "There is no evidence that large sporting events cause an increase in
    trafficking for prostitution." [7]

    The Sex Workers Project, notes that the unique focus on human sex trafficking during major sport events distracts from real issues surrounding large sporting events that do deserve our attention and are often under-reported,[8]




    [4] (page 2)



