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  • Aug 07, 2009 @ 12:41am

    Re: Re:

    I stand corrected. ::wonders how he missed the little note at the bottom::

  • Aug 07, 2009 @ 12:40am


    You never had video games to play when growing up, did you?

  • Jun 07, 2009 @ 12:08pm

    The point.

    The record companies whole purpose is to spread music to make it where music of those musicians can be known world wide and enjoyed in much the same way. They are meant to be only temporary for the artist. Nothing more. They're meant to be used, and then kicked to the side after the contract is up. Now only if a Musician would bring a lawsuit to them that would change all the "Contractual" legal rights companies like wmg has over the music.

    #1: They didn't write nor make the song in any way shape or form. The individual artist or band did. All they did was advertising, merchandising, and planning to get concerts going, and to get a broader fan base for the band.

    #2: While perhaps the musician would be less known, the record companies wouldn't be able to exist without those musicians. This in and of itself should say, ok it's their music, not ours. After all the music isn't yours, the services you provide the Musician, artist, writer, etc. etc. is all you are entitled to, irregardless of the fact that you recorded them singing and playing for a rather large crowd.

    The band ultimately becomes your advertisement for up and coming bands, and you become the musicians advertising for their music to possible future fans.

    #3: I see a collapse of wmg and record companies that cannot realize this if they don't fix their F*ck up now.

    My suggestion to the record labels is this: just drop this nonsense now, or prepare to eventually be jobless. I imagine that'll happen within this year or sometime next year, but it'll happen if you don't drop it to fix the situations you've created for yourselves.

    After all, We (every last person on the face of this planet,) hold your fate in Our hands, not you, except for one thing. That thing is the choices you make here and now. Keep with the wrong choices, then bye bye. Make the right ones, than you get to continue on. It all revolves around choices of individuals, and it goes full circle.

    Also lets add that one helps the other, and vice versa, and when more are added to this loop, it only helps all parties, not just the one, or just the other. It might not fit a direct apparent need, but it still fulfills that need. It is that simple, and the sad thing is, few can see that truth.