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  • Jan 02, 2015 @ 08:59am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Pirates rejoice!

    ... and Hackers.

  • Jan 02, 2015 @ 08:53am

    Re: Re: Pirates rejoice!

    Yeah, explain that to the FBI when they show up...

    and remember that everything you say might be used against you in a court of law...

  • Mar 15, 2010 @ 05:03am

    isn't this what Apple is relentlessly trying to accomplish in north america for years?

  • Aug 25, 2009 @ 09:03am

    Americans are simply naive

    first of all, there is no need to argue about whether the USA needs more immigrants or not, as it is obvious from every aspect that this country was found by immigrants and is always in need of workforce of all kinds.

    Second point is as a reply to those who are blatantly claiming China this India that blah blah...
    China was asleep for 100 years now, it is simply natural that when they have finally awaken they will make some noise, but that stops there, noise and just noise till they are saturated...

    from the History of the world, the leading nation was always the most righteous not the most powerful, but the most powerfully only when there was no righteous...
    the USA is leading the world because it is the country with the most social justice, not because of its military power.

    now back to the point, Americans do things because they like them while in most foreign countries people do things because they are forced too or because of necessity.

    an American born will most likely choose a major which leads to a profession where he could have a good life as well as a good paycheck: as in cinematography, fashion, art stuff etc...
    a foreigner will never even think about such a major since he was not prepared for that and most likely have no idea what it even is, plus, the only area he can see as uncharted territory for him would be scientific subjects since they are universal and he has an edge in those subjects VS an American born simply because most of college math in the US is done in high school in most called 3rd world countries .

    so after all of this, the IQ and racism have nothing to do around here, its all about where people are raised in.

    now comes a more important part of this subject which is the US pedagogic system, which as i see it has to main components:
    1- pre college
    2- post college

    in pre college, US students are the worst internationally, and from looking at the curricullum, it is evident that they are not being prepared to be neither scientists nor writers, but just made illiterate enough to absorb any kind of BS thrown at them.

    2- post college is a totally different story, US grads rank no less than first internationally, and that is partly people do what they like and are thus more prone to achieve higher goals faster than others who are forced to researcha subject in which they have no interest.

  • Jun 15, 2009 @ 02:14pm


    this media analyst is clearly an idiot if she thinks that Hulu is giving away ANYTHING (including Shows) for free !

    she should probably try and google these two letters: ad
    and for an advanced topic i suggest she looks up: internet traffic.

    ive read somewhere that there would come an time where idiots are in charge, i think we are almost there.