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Christine Sutton

About Christine Sutton

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  • Aug 08, 2012 @ 09:27pm

    Some authors understand

    I am an author, and I have known about Lendink for a while. I do not know what the deal is with others that cannot understand that Lendink functions just like a dating site,connecting people.. not a prostitution ring, sending out actual people. Most of my titles are not lendable, because they only cost 99 cents, but I would be thrilled for the ones that are lendable to be featured there. I see it as a great tool to basically get my name out there even more. So, if Lendink comes back, (hopefully), I will be more than happy to have my lendable titles available to borrow. And I will be happy to have my non-lendable titles available for purchase. Good luck getting the site back up, I for one as an author will support it.