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David Morgan

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  • Oct 28, 2016 @ 01:31pm

    One concern that Comey isn't directly addressing in this memo to Congress is that the conclusion was already made as to what data was in the emails on her private server, and that the FBI would not recommend prosecution to the DOJ. If the FBI is really intending to revisit that conclusion (which isn't obvious), then this could have interesting side effects on undecided voters.

    I must disagree with the statement about breaking the law - Comey didn't say Clinton didn't break the law, he said "Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information." This was followed up with a statement for recommendation, "Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case." So, to conclude she didn't break the law is a significant conclusion that wasn't part of the FBI report.