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  • Jan 26, 2018 @ 07:20am

    Signal and noise

    I felt some sense in the article and came down to comments and found a lot of noise. The troll is not only in the 'troll' but in the baiting or provocation to react.

    There are key guidelines that serve communication, but if made into rules, they become weapons and communication is not a weapon. Weaponised communication is a manipulative deceit.

    This is all about honesty of being. Awakening responsibility for your own experience and alignment in a worthiness of communication - that is you have to extend worth to join with another.

    Competitive and comparative 'worths' are appeals to specialness in victor or victim that invokes false saviours and further entanglement.

    While a 'broad spectrum dominance' weaponises and marketises everything, life is denied the conditions in which to be and know itself being. Mind capture runs 'identities' that are programmable or conditioned reaction. The whole thing is rigged up to Big Data for stress testing in real time so as to 'perfect' the system against loss of control (Chaos). Yet such a system itself is organized or managed chaos because it is OUT of communication. It is a model built upon an asserted and defended image of self, world or life. Its function has been to generate noise by which the signal of true communication is blocked, invalidated, demonised, ridiculed, shut down. False power runs over a sense of division.

    Individual responsibility can be seemingly escaped in blaming, so as to generate self-justifying narrative and believe it by acting as if it is true. What goes around comes around.

    Awakened responsibility owns its own experience and gives witness to its own choices instead of casting itself as the victim, victor or saviour to another.
    While I do not always agree with him, Jordan Peterson is exemplifying the use of communication as freedom from deceit. But for that he has to be living true to himself rather than asserting and defending a personal presentation under tyrannous or fear and guilt directed thinking.

    The breakdown of the masking narrative is the condition in which the desire for true communication stirs. Insanity is only an option for those who believe it is everyone else who is insane. Noticing our own reactions and the thoughts and beliefs beneath our emotional responses is an art of being.
    Communication begins within and extends.
    A loss of communication to systemic thinking runs a substitution reality or fantasy overlay. Whatever it was, it has become 'marketised and weaponised' in defence of an insanity. But recognizing conflicted thoughts is the awakening of perspective upon them and opens the freedom to release fixation and identity in them.

    Attempting to solve our inner conflicts upon the world is a disowning and dishonouring of life. But we know not what we do. Only as we uncover what lies beneath can we own it and thus change it. Blame persists the attempt to dump our stuff on others and 'solve it' by denying them. But from a true responsibility we can reflect a true witness and extend an invitation to align in the feeling of being rather than emotion backed thinking - which of course includes 'anti' emotional rationalisations.

    I write ideas as they find form from a willingness to listen in. This is also a learning by practice because I notice what moves me and what inhibits or diverts ad dilutes. Every time you write or speak, listen for where you are coming from, and feel for an find a channel of communication. Whenever reading or listening, also listen within for resonance with your being, so as to know what you need to know without judging another.

    Opening this quality of connection to a 'Field' quality is willingness to release the stories and dynamic of conflict so as to be grounded in and moved by that which you accept true of you, and so can stand in without taking from anyone.