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  • Apr 18, 2024 @ 06:41am


    Hey hey hey this is America, lets just see how many people die and how many lawsuits come their way. Then they can make a ROI-based decision for allowing it as if they are our saviors or lobbying against it because they ultimately shouldn't be held responsible, you can always pick another ISP right?

  • Apr 16, 2024 @ 01:07pm

    I get that, but on what planet do Google and Meta play along in the long-term? We're already seeing here that Google is more than willing to pull the rug if they don't get their way.

  • Apr 16, 2024 @ 11:21am

    What am I missing?

    On what planet does it make sense for any website to not want to be found on Meta, Google, or any other 'internet-hub', the average user isn't going out of their way to visit a site that isn't easily accessed via link. Forget about money and consider that this will cause traffic to plummet on none 'internet-hub' sites and will incentivize any journalism to happen directly on sites like Meta or Google. Imagine a parallel universe in which Google simply refuses to link to news articles on Murdoch or otherwise owned sites, a lawsuit (however frivolous in nature) against them would be inevitable. Should this continue on as it is, and as I understand it (which again, please let me know what I'm failing to understand here), there will be pain for all sides initially as users react to not being able to easily find links to articles. But we've seen time and time again that users will always freak out to change and then come to accept it as it becomes the new-norm, Meta and Google are no strangers to this and have no incentive to avoid it if their hands are tied legislatively. In the long-term all we are doing is pushing more and more control and influence into the hands of already established tech-giants where the natural reaction will be to host the content themselves as journalists look to find a place to write/post that has visibility. - Pure speculation/rant - You're telling me that Murdoch and pals didn't have experts and consultants run numbers and let them know how bad of an idea this is? If I've learned anything working in tech, its that leadership doesn't understand technology and doesn't care to. Wouldn't be shocked if this decision really was solely Murdoch's (including his innermost circle), and it was mostly based on gut feeling or "they way things should be".