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Alysha DeSha?

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  • Sep 16, 2012 @ 03:12pm

    Re: Re: Parental Involvement Lacking?

    Speaking strictly from the way schools are run in my area, the parents would have been called after (sometimes before) the decision to give her detention. She would also have been sent home with a carbon-copy sheet detailing everything for her parents to sign - one copy would have been for the parents to keep, the other two would have been returned to the school to file in various places. To not return it the very next day would be an additional write-up, the student would remain in the office while parents are called into the school to have a conference.

    Granted, the child may have forged a signature the first time... Considering that there are several instances and the third one involved another parents independently calling the school, I would wager that this one is a trouble-maker. Not that she should have had to put up with this, but that's just my inference based on the few facts provided.