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  • Jan 04, 2012 @ 11:35am

    Re: Re: Re: They're Afraid of Becoming Irrelevant

    Actually, the part of SOPA that will make an impact is holding the payment processors and ad services accountable. Piracy is flourishing and growing because thieves can make money by stealing content. Get rid of the easy money and the legitimate access points will not have to compete with free. It's simple economics and makes perfect sense.

    Most don't want to bother with torrents and the like. The P2P model is diminishing and cyberlocker downloads increasing. Cyberlockers are in the business of making money. Cut off access to that and those sites will have to turn to more legitimate sources of commerce. They could easily activate a content ID system like Youtube's. That would be a huge step in the right direction and protect the rights of content creators small and large.

    Piracy will never disappear, but no one expects that. However, as efficient and legal online gateways continue to evolve, the pirates who cannot offer equivalent access will fall by the wayside. Take away the access to easy income and that will be the natural result. I think that is the expectation.

  • Jan 04, 2012 @ 11:29am

    Re: Corporate support though.

    and the bulk of the anti-sopa rhetoric can be traced back to Google (anxious to protect profits by maintaining the status quo with regard to content theft monetization).

    There are plenty of people who earn their living working in the content creation industry who support SOPA. Just because they don't endlessly re-tweet on Twitter doesn't mean they don't exist.

    The echo-chamber of hysteria around SOPA is laughable. Certainly the bill needs work, and some adjustments have already been made. However, blathering on using false rhetoric is a disservice.

    The internet should not be above the law. Illegal commerce using stolen goods is not protected speech. Time to take action against profiteers online who steal other work.

    BTW, ask Google about their latest patent acquisitions. That is one type of law they respect since it's in their interest to do so. Not the case with copyright law. Unsettling to see such a powerful corporation that only respects the law when it's in its own interests to do so. Their arrogance will catch up with them eventually.

  • Dec 03, 2010 @ 04:38pm

    Netflix+Comast=the same thing

    Don't shed too many tears for Netflix. They are all about making a profit and NOT profit-sharing. At the moment they are the only game in town, but as online distribution/delivery evolves, hopefully other more progressive companies will emerge to offer competition and fair returns to those who create content (and aren't named Sony, Warner, etc.)

  • Dec 02, 2010 @ 12:09pm

    More excellent news!

    Google finally taking some responsibility!