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  • Sep 13, 2011 @ 08:40pm

    Re: last one

    No kidding...I was using my computer as a DVR as far back as 2003/2004 and two guesses where my guide data came from and the first doesn't count.

  • Apr 03, 2007 @ 01:35am

    Re: well, I personally think the RIAA can go to he

    For those who say that DLing is hurting the are dead wrong. The RIAA is only obligated to pay the artist pennies in royalties and I remember reading not too long ago that they got in trouble for not paying the artists at all. I would be more than willing to pay the artist what the RIAA does.

    Heck, I'd pay double, triple, several times the pennies they pay [when they're forced to] per album...if it would go directly to the artist and the RIAA gets NOTHING. I would venture to guess, most artists (Metallica and some other bands I have ZERO interest in have better deals with the RIAA which is why they complain so much) would be happy to get 10 - 25 cents a song ($1-3 per [Burned] CD) if they didn't have to deal with the RIAA stealing most to all of it as they do now [while charging $0.99/song which would be $12/CD].