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Bill Burke

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  • Jun 12, 2008 @ 08:28am

    If I own it, why can't I tweak it?

    Wouldn't it be a simple fix for US manufacturers to place a clear warning on both the inside & outside of whatever device - that modification voids any real or implied warranties, if there is so much "risk" .. ?

    Or go a step further, and make registering a product mandatory for any warranty at all to become valid, and force registrants to at least check a box they've read and understood this caveat?

    Or as we suspect; It's really all about the perceived/potential lost revenue...

    The Team

  • May 05, 2008 @ 01:33pm

    What exactly is "Injury Proof" .. ??

    I'm not entirely sure I believe this is a definable term, to begin with. What injuries, *exactly* are included in this blanket declaration? For example, if a gasoline tanker next to me explodes at 75mph on the Interstate .. ?? Bill Burke

  • May 05, 2008 @ 01:18pm

    A nuiscance settlement pursuit

    Ms. Bauer, and every attorney she's spoken with, undoubtedly knows such litigation is w/o basis. Nonetheless, there are probably a dozen lawyers (no offense to the industry intended) who'll roll the dice on a contingency percentage. (Sigh) Just a disappointing reminder.. The Team