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Frank G

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  • Nov 14, 2014 @ 07:18am

    Re: I personally don't see any problem with sexting.


  • Nov 14, 2014 @ 07:43am


    Kids are going to be KIDS period that hasn't changed over time. What has changed is the technology thats all nothing more. The government has no business regulating morals thats the parents and the schools job. The problem exists with definition and the use of pre internet vernacular and nomenclature where the truth hinges on perception, Child Pornography(CP) has become pornography made by children as in (EXPERIMENTATION such as sexting- webcam or smart phone, mutual masturbation). Adult Pornography is pornography made by adults. Adults who have sex with children and record that abuse with images are called images of abuse and child sexual abuse crime scene evidence images(CACSE) crime scene evidence and should be called such. Giving CACSE power is called practicing voodoo. Journalist love to use the words child pornography for the SHOCK value they report nothing but what is told to them by law enforcement, because Journalist believe it or not are not allowed to look at the evidence. Also there is the existing palpable danger of the publics acutely erroneous understanding of the alleged problem. We need accurate information about the true dynamics of the alleged problem because the things that we hear and fear and the things that actually occur are two different issues and may not be the same at all. So we are FORCED to take the governments word for it and we all know the government doesn't lie !!!

    Has anybody ever wondered why there are so many child porn busts? Kitty Wolf of Cautionclick dot com say someone's house is being raided by Law Enforcement every hour of the day. So how can there be so many pedophiles and where have they been hiding all this time?

    Have you ever been convinced by a salesperson that you really want and need a product, done something too instinctively, or made choices that seemed entirely out of character, then you've had an idea planted in your mind. No one wants to cause harm to a child (right, left or in between) but that is how Law Enforcements child porn pull marketing works by them just saying what about, "the children" and everyone shuts up. It is well orchestrated and more importantly it works. Just mentioning Child pornography can whip the public into a frenzy as well as win political votes; now it has been combined with a computer bogeyman.

    Curiosity energizes and enables; Curiosity keeps people coming back whether there is a new piece of software or gadget because people know they might learn something new; thats our HUMAN nature. Coupled with Journalist that are unable to see the contraband and report ONLY the, "Gothic Melodramas" Law Enforcement spout at news gatherings after a bust develops curiosity. Law Enforcement has learned from the social sciences on how to cultivate that curiosity which make their, “Child Pornography pull marketing” work and that is what is accounting for all the child pornography arrests. The real child pornographers; the people actually hurting children go free because they know how to to acquire the material without getting caught. In essence Law Enforcement has only been arresting the low hanging fruit by arresting people using person to person (P2P) file sharing software. How do people know how to acquire child pornography? They just need to read and listen to the NEWS reports given to journalists by Law Enforcement which tell them child pornography is found using P2P software. That cultivates curiosity and that is why there are so many child pornography busts. The only children being allegedly rescued are the arrested children and no harm has ever been done to 99.9% of those children.