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  • Jun 24, 2009 @ 03:48pm

    Interesting the negativity

    So when was reading a book such a negative experience for so many of you?

    Immediately some here think it's horrible to approach something from a new angle. And to assume because someone did they must suck at writing.

    No they do this because most likely they are very creative and trying to break the mold.

    I'm looking forward to finally getting my hands on a copy- and would assume the book is quite good as other reviews at major publications give it great reviews-- Washington Post ( and even Publisher’s Weekly gave it a STARRED review ( ) (that's a pretty big deal).

    Right now it sucks for me being in the UK, still at least another week until it's out. Looking forward to some new ideas for the print media world.

    Oh for the other guy: published by St. Martin's Press
    Thus not self-published.