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  • Nov 21, 2013 @ 03:39pm

    Very good article. I'd say you summed the issue up pretty perfectly with the last paragraph. Unfortunately, many people attempt to motivate with fear.

  • Nov 21, 2013 @ 03:15pm


    It's good to see confirmation of common sense issues. While it's obvious that we should monitor what our children are playing, it's also relatively obvious to me that there isn't a huge correlation between video games and violence. Video games can be great tools to increase spatial awareness and environmental intake, as well as increased reaction speed and cognitive processing.

  • Nov 07, 2013 @ 01:34pm

    Re: As JMK Said ...

    This is true, and not to sound too far-fetched, but on a large enough scale even irrationality can become rational. That is to say, these algorithms can comprehend things at a much larger scale than we can, and at a certain point the random scattering of data can begin to make a SEEMINGLY predictable pattern.

  • Nov 07, 2013 @ 01:47pm

    Condemned to repeat?

    Sort of funny that you bring up Executive Order 11905, which was supposed to improve oversight and ban political assassination. In theory it made sweeping reforms, in reality, it did not...

  • Nov 01, 2013 @ 02:01pm

    Complex Issues

    Like most of the on-goings in today's world, this is a highly complex issue, with no fully objective answer. Although I don't speak for everyone, as parents a few of our goals are to protect our children, to teach our children, and to shield our children's short-lived innocence without keeping them ignorant of the world at large, and its short-comings and negative aspects. It's a difficult enough task as a family unit. How can we begin to extrapolate all of the issues to a larger, societal scale, without running into any problems? There will always be something. We as individuals and as a society must learn from the past, and apply this knowledge.

    Although it clearly isn't thorough enough, at least they had the hind sight to send a letter to the parents. Though they clearly should have had the prudence to get permission. But who would subject their children to such a thing? Even if they did, who would let their children go to school without forewarning of the event? Knowledge that it wasn't real would probably negate any possible benefit that could come from the scenario.

    Is there any possible benefit that could even come from said scenario?

  • Nov 01, 2013 @ 12:56pm

    To differentiate is to discriminate.

    It's odd that even as a high school teacher, he doesn't realize that racism doesn't necessarily imply prejudice. Racism has many facets, and prejudice is among them, but not solely. It is possible to hold racist tendencies even when one exercises the prudence of non-prejudice. To differentiate or recognize a distinction is, in and of itself, discrimination, and when discrimination against another race occurs, it is racial discrimination.