Ron Paul Comes Out Against SOPA; Joins Other Elected Officials Saying No To The Great Firewall Of America

from the speak-up dept

It appears that more and more members of the House are realizing just how bad SOPA is. Joining Reps. Issa and Bachmann, who had previously spoken out about SOPA, a group of ten House members have signed a letter opposing SOPA. The letter was organized by Rep. Anna Eshoo, the leading Democrat on telco & tech — but whose committee was not involved in the crafting of this bill for reasons that only make sense if the purpose of the bill was to regulate the internet without input from the industry being regulated.

The letter makes the same points many of us have been raising about SOPA. It’s way too broad, does not accurately attack the problem it’s trying to address, and will create massive liability for the internet & technology — one of the few sectors growing today, and which has contributed a tremendous amount to economic growth over the past decade. Basically it makes the simple point: stifling the growing tech industry, to appease a Hollywood that refuses to adapt, is no way to go about managing an economy.

Among those who signed onto the letter are Ron Paul, showing that he continues to be internet savvy and recognizes that regulating the internet is a bad, bad idea. Others who signed on include Reps. Jared Polis, Mike Doyle (the man who introduced Girl Talk to Congress), Doris Matsui, Mike Thompson, Lloyd Doggett, Mike Honda, George Miller and Zoe Lofgren (who’s been a vocal opponent to these attempts to stifle innovation from day one). We too often speak about politicians who aren’t representing the best interests of the public, but it’s great to see more and more elected officials recognize that SOPA is a gross overreach by a few big companies who don’t want to adapt to a changing marketplace. Kudos to the Congressional Reps here for taking a stand and protecting jobs and innovation.

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Comments on “Ron Paul Comes Out Against SOPA; Joins Other Elected Officials Saying No To The Great Firewall Of America”

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Chronno S. Trigger (profile) says:

Re: Re: OK, It's official

“Waste of time.”

Three words that caused this crap. It’s just a waste of time for me to fight it, what can one man do. When there are millions saying that, it’s not just one man.

And yeah, I know, “Electoral College”. But the point isn’t to get him elected, the point is to show the people that the government doesn’t stand for the people any more. If they don’t vote the way we tell them to, they aren’t our government any more. It’s another form of protest, like American Censorship Day.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

If you are a politician, you have an opinion and you stick with it. Allowing yourself to be swayed by the opinion of the hour (especially consider that when you don’t use the word “censorship”, most people support action against piracy), makes you look like a wishy-washy flip flopper, someone who doesn’t have any real backbone.

Ron Paul will never be President because he doesn’t seem to be solid enough on his views. Do you really want to vote someone in that supports your views, and then have them change tomorrow because an opinion poll says otherwise?

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re: Re:

‘If you are a politician, you have an opinion and you stick with it. Allowing yourself to be swayed by the opinion of the hour (especially consider that when you don’t use the word “censorship”, most people support action against piracy), makes you look like a wishy-washy flip flopper, someone who doesn’t have any real backbone.’

Yup, ban lobbyists, i agree

Chris Rhodes (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: Re:

Ron Paul will never be President because he doesn’t seem to be solid enough on his views.


Yes, Ron Paul is such a flip-flopper. You know, that guy that has been preaching the exact same thing his entire political career without fail? He’s obviously not as solid in his views as someone like Romney,Perry, or Bachmann right?

I think that is literally the stupidest thing I’ve heard since that reporter went on television to explain that gold was riskier than the US dollar because gold “isn’t backed by anything”. Congratulations, you might just be the most clueless person to ever post a comment here, and with the likes of OOTB and daryl floating around, that’s really saying something.

MrWilson says:

Re: Re: Re: Re:

“If you are a politician, you have an opinion and you stick with it.”

That’s a great standard. Nobody can change their minds. Nobody can see the light. If they’re wrong from the beginning, they stay that way.

What about politicians who are complete greedy assholes? They favor corporations at every turn and undermine the rights of the people they supposedly represent. It’s okay for them to stick with their opinions?

Planespotter (profile) says:

Re: Re: Re: Re:

Obama? How many people who voted for him found that soon after he became President he flip flopped on them and went from talking about open/transparent government started to be the complete opposite?

So you don’t like Ron Paul, whoppie doo… at least he seems to be consistant on highlighting the damage being done to the Constituition in the name of big businesses and how America should go back to worrying about itself and not quick to jump into wars thousands of miles away that never seem to end.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re: Re:

“(especially consider that when you don’t use the word “censorship”, most people support action against piracy)”

Hmmm, let’s check that! Nope, wrong again!

“Comparable majorities (56%) oppose government involvement in ?blocking? access to infringing material. This number increases to 64% when the term ?censor? is used.

Anon says:

Re: Re: Re:

Ron Paul is the last honest politician on this planet. This is a politician who refuses a government pension even if he’s entitled for it(for being a Congressman) and he’s been drumming the same message for more than 30 years. He’s against SOPA not just because most of his support comes from the Internet but because he sees SOPA as unconstitutional.

Ron Paul worships the Constitution like the bloody bible.

blaktron (profile) says:

Re: Re:

Also, this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Like him or hate him, Ron Paul is the only member of your House of Representatives that has consistently held the same views for his entire 30 year career as a politician. Coming out against this bill is EXACTLY what he believes, and has always believed, since he is fundamentally against government regulation always. If you think that Ron Paul flip flops on anything, you sir, are a moron.

Joe Mama says:

Re: Re:

Wait what? Yeah all those SOPA polls. LOL. But anyhow, yeah Ron Paul is such a flip-flopper! He should totally pick a position and stick to it! What the heck RP! He should be more like the other candidates! Now let’s hurry up and pass SOPA! I’m sick of not having my Internet monitored even more. All of this excess freedom is scaring me. I might make a mistake! Save me from myself!

James Buckey says:

Re: Response to: Anonymous Coward on Nov 15th, 2011 @ 10:24am

Actually, Ron Paul is a libertarian. He would move whatever “food banks” Congress has anything to do with to state control. That is where every it belongs. Actually it belongs nowhere, but if the state wants to do it, they have the right. Congress has no authority to do so, constitutionaly.

Anonymous Coward says:

Anyon want to place bets on whether Google censors their logo tomorrow with a link to Think they have the balls to do it? Considering they are the only ones allowed access to the SOPA hearing and that they have the most-hit page on the planet, I think they could go along way towards raising awareness of the clueless. But I for one don’t think they’ll have the stones.

Anonymous Coward says:


Conyers and Smith’s letter in favor of the bill is entitled:

“Promote Jobs and Economic Growth: Protect Consumers and Our Troops – Support H.R. 3261”

That’s all we need to know. We want to protect our troops, right? This bill also protects children, puppies and ponies too. Let’s put a stop to those darn pony counterfeiters.

Anonymous Coward says:

Google should at least splash a thing on every search page and all over Youtube telling people that “we’re in danger of being censored, please contact your congresscritters to stop it.”

Or perhaps Google could go on strike against SOPA for several days, shut down all their services, replace them with a page telling people why they’re shutting down.

Jeremy (profile) says:

Re: OK, It's official

Ron Paul is not going to take away your “reproductive rights” – you have the right to reproduce all you want! The issue with abortion is at what stage a baby is a human. 3 months? 6 months? 9 months? Conception? He is not pushing his view on you – his view is that murder is a state issue, not federal issue, and states will decide. Sounds completely constitutional to me …

kirillian (profile) says:


Nice one. You picked the weakest comment of the bunch to respond to, completely ignoring all the other comments that point out the problems with yours. We’re still waiting for you to show us your numbers.

We’ve had studies linked on this site for YEARS, and you come in here in 3 posts expecting us to take anything you say on hearsay? I’m sorry, but it’s YOUR responsibility, not ours to provide the proof. We’ve already done so. Not our problem that you’re too lazy to use the search feature.

Josh in CharlotteNC (profile) says:


If you are a politician, you have an opinion and you stick with it.

That’s a pretty bad idea.

I want politicians to change their minds, not necessarily because of an opinion poll, but because of evidence and facts. I don’t want them swayed by lobbyists and campaign contributions. I don’t want them swayed by what their party leader wants them to vote for. I want each and every one to take a hard look at the facts and evidence about every bill they vote for.

Louis Nardozi (user link) says:

A Promise to Ron Paul

Hi Everyone,

The RNC has been complicit in the marginalization of Dr. Paul, as well as the media blackout. We all know this. I have set up a little website to bring attention to this fact and to help Dr. Paul. It is not the kind of thing he would do (in fact he couldn’t even acknowledge it without being summarily expelled from the GOP), but it IS the kind of thing I would do, ESPECIALLY after the last debate where Dr. Paul got a whole 90 seconds to speak. This must stop and by God it WILL stop, and YOU’RE going to help me stop it!

Go to and sign up please, and spread the word. I set up the site myself it has no ads and no profit, just a labor of love in defense of Dr. Paul.

zegota (profile) says:

OK, It's official

Ron Paul saying abortion is “the most important issue of our age.” Not wars, not the economy. Abortion.

Ron Paul advocating for a federal ban on abortion by enshrining fetal personhood in law (an idea so crazy that Mississippi rejected it)

Mike W says:


LOL what? Ron Paul is not solid on your views? I’m just going to assume you are not a political observer, which is fair.

However, one thing you should know is that Ron Paul does not flip flop. He is not doing this for popular opinion, he has been strongly against regulating the internet for YEARS.

The man is the the most consistent around. Please look him up if you dont know anything about him.

Mike W says:

OK, It's official

Holy shit, another retard. When has he EVER said it was the most important thing the country faces? When has he even said it is somewhat important?

Your fucking stupidity is mind blowing. At most, he said he would like to return the right to decide back to the states.


Lets keep taking away rights and bombing brown people so that you don’t have to worry about state politics.

zegota (profile) says:

OK, It's official

“When has he EVER said it was the most important thing the country faces? When has he even said it is somewhat important? “ tant-issue-of-our-age/

“Your fucking stupidity is mind blowing. At most, he said he would like to return the right to decide back to the states.”

Nope. He wants fetal personhood to be defined at a federal level.

But your vulgar defensiveness of your religious wacko savior is quite delicious to me. Keep going.

Charles D Fed says:


What Ron Paul are YOU talking about?

Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate who is SOLID in his views. He has been consistent in his principles, his values, his positions for over 40 years. If you don’t know this, perhaps you should learn before spouting off.

Whether RP becomes president really depends on whether people like you begin to learn the truth. And if you don’t, you’re in no position to predict.

Win or lose, Ron Paul is the only candidate who is causing any motion toward Liberty. And you, by spouting, are in opposition. Are you willing to slide into tyranny? If not, pull your head out and starting learning FROM RON PAUL.

Mike W says:

OK, It's official

I know this is hard to comprehend, given your complete ineptness and everything.

“The first thing we have to do is get the federal government out of it. We don?t need a federal abortion police.”

Quote from the man himself, not taken out of context. While he is personally strongly pro-life, he is running for FEDERAL OFFICE. The only reason he voted on the other bill was because it overturns Roe Vs Wade, which invalidates states ability to determine this issue.

I don’t agree with him on a personal level, but at the most Paul would leave it to the states to decide.

PS, calling Paul a religious wacko savior is fucking hilarious and stupid. I am as agnostic as they come and I don’t think he’s any savior. There is simply not a single other legitimate option for president, and if you think otherwise you are flat out dumb.

zegota (profile) says:

OK, It's official

“The only reason he voted on the other bill was because it overturns Roe Vs Wade, which invalidates states ability to determine this issue.”

He didn’t vote on it. He introduced it. He introduced the bill whose main purpose was to define life as beginning at conception. This has nothing to do with state’s rights. This would make abortion equivalent to a federal murder charge.

Also, I love (love!) that you’re bending over backwards to call me ignorant, and then in the very next sentence, you pretend that Ron Paul is a “legitimate option” for president! Ha! Right on, dude! I’m sure the election will be Ron Paul vs. Ralph Nader!

Anonymous Coward says:


bahahahaha! he has been the most consistent, speak from the heart politician in washington for decades. he is the only one not up there reciting lines at the debates, the only one who does not appear to be lying through his teeth. if you honestly truly think he is not consistent and solid in his views, you have not been paying attention.

Jim says:

OK, It's official

So, I don’t use drugs, I don’t smoke pot! But if you want to smoke it then I see no reason for me to shoot you in the head!
Does that mean that I’m flip-flopping? Personal belief and what is allowed are two different things. Ron Paul believes that life begins at conception, but that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has NO business telling you what to do or not do. That he would leave up to the states and the people of each state. If you don’t like the decision your state comes to then you are free to move to one that has a law you can agree with.
But it looks to me like you are making a ONE issue decision! So, you would vote for someone that agreed with you on abortion, even if he will be shooting and arresting innocent people? How about if he (your choice) says he is going to raise personal taxes to 99% and allow no private ownership of a home?
Look at the full story, please.

Kaega (profile) says:

Your gums are the only thing flapping

You have once again demonstrated that someone can formulate an opinion without a single iota of knowledge related to the subject your are directing your opinion at.

If you can find one example of Ron Paul simply changing his policy to meet public opinion, show me. He’s the only politician I have seen that HASN’T changed his opinion based on public opinion (including his stance on the war, economics, Taxes, and laws against the constitution).

He’s always stuck to his guns, and many of his stances/opinions are not popular due to most people being brainwashed by the media to think his suggested solutions would be bad for the public. Until years later when he’s proved to have been right all along. And STILL people won’t listen to him.

I don’t know why I’m even posting this, since you’re probably one of those people who formulates an opinion, and never changes their mind even when the evidence is right in front of your face.

But seriously, watch some documentaries he’s been in (I don’t remember the name, but the one about the Federal Reserve). Ron Paul points out things that have been wrong for years, which no one else will take the time to point out.

apex says:


Ron Paul can win because he won both straw polls in California and Texas. The electoral college is 51 mini state popular election vote that is winner take all. Ron paul popular in both Texas and California which has over 55 + 38 electoral which accounts to 93 electoral, which is about 34% or over 1/4 .You only need 270 electoral out of 538 to be president. It’s a numbers game that’s why you saw the last election people campaign the states with the most population because it has the most electoral or proportional representation as stated on the constitution.

apex says:


Ron Paul can win because he won both straw polls in California and Texas. The electoral college is 51 mini state popular election vote that is winner take all. Ron paul popular in both Texas and California which has over 55 + 38 electoral which accounts to 93 electoral, which is about 34% or over 1/4 .You only need 270 electoral out of 538 to be president. It’s a numbers game that’s why you saw the last election people campaign the states with the most population because it has the most electoral or proportional representation as stated on the constitution.

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