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Seven Star Hand

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  • Jan 03, 2011 @ 02:54pm

    Re: and then?

    Google, Youtube, and Wikileaks are merely conduits for the (mostly) unfettered access to information. What those in power in Italy and elsewhere fear is "some" of the content that certain freethinkers have been able to post. Spam and other crap actually serves their purpose by serving as a distraction.

    As far as people taking to the streets, well that would be their choice. But when they go to the web and inform others about the truth concerning the lies that have been used to dupe and oppress billions for centuries, the "old guard" goes apoplectic and acts rashly, just as any cornered animal responds. You can't speak truthfully about Italian politics without understanding the Vatican's role.

  • Jan 03, 2011 @ 12:49pm

    They are trying to set the stage...

    Elements in the Italian government are controlled by the Vatican and Berlusconi was their boy, until the rats started jumping ship recently. The evidence of in-fighting is hard to hide now. They are struggling to set the stage for a defense against me, but that has already failed.

    Wikileaks and Youtube just happen to be the proxies of choice for now because coming directly after me exposes the truth about who the Vatican really is to their followers. Find me on YouTube to see what really scares the Bejesus out of the Vatican's hand picked politicians. That all ends soon though. Google leaving Italy would serve the Vatican's purposes of hiding certain details from Italians who are going to react very badly when they learn the truth...