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  • Jun 23, 2015 @ 05:19am

    Re: We Need to Aim for Perfection not this Crap Story

    Nobody said the Trolley was occupied, they just mentioned that it was the Express Route Trolley. The decision is between your child or a bus of children. simple solution, if you switch to the alternate you perform your job (switch on/switch off) good thing that college education earned you this low wage work doing something so remote from the degree you worked hard to earn and still owe massive sums of money in education debts. So switch the switch to the alternate, but first set off an emergency alarm and write down the situation quickly. Then you can file lawsuit against the Trolley company for neglect since they did have this trolley system signed off with the city and respective public health and safety officials. The Trolley company will then sue the bus operation for endangerment along with all the children's parents. both company's get lawyered up and battle it out over several years until the bus company is shuttered and the children have to WALK TO SCHOOL all the while PAYING ATTENTION TO THEIR SURROUNDINGS. Therefore the saved children will be more thoughtful of safety come the time they are old enough to fix all the dangerous and idiotic stuff their parents and their parent's parents created and caused.

    WHAT WAS THE BUS COMPANY THINKING WHEN THE SALES REP FROM BLUE BIRD SOLD THEM THOSE VERY SAME BUSE; SAYING THEY WERE THE MOST RELIABLE AND SAFEST BUSES AROUND? Oh wait, they sales rep was pushing so hard on the sell that the question of impact with a trolley was dodged over and over again.

    THERE IS NO EXCUSE: Those transportation systems are too dangerous, all transportation systems actually, get in line and have your legs and arms cut off everybody, it is for the greater good of society to not make these horrific creations, reproduce, breathe, eat, drink, shower, contribute in anyway possible, or even to think.

    The fact is that we live dangerous lives, getting in your car, clothes, shower, kitchen, oven, microwave, dishwasher, mother's basement in the middle of nowhere with just an internet hookup and computer for company, cubicle, elevator, hat, and trash dumpster compactor is very risky. I hear you can choke to death on many things like water and food! you should not consume such lethal items especially bubble gum.

    Just how philosophical of an argument must be made to realize that maybe, just maybe, those who pose such arguments should be forced to play them out on themselves before shoving it down other peoples throat's like a phallic symbol of how much they love to play you around like an inflatable doll