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  • Nov 08, 2018 @ 09:26am


    It's because it's a fairy tale. Nearly two-decades of on-line gaming and I've only run into a tiny handful of those sorts of people and they were quickly turned into pariahs.

    Have you ever heard of Volksfront? I ran into one of them once. They're a bunch of nobodies. Yet the ADL and SPLC act as if they're some huge threat.

    Truth is there was about 50 of them in the US and they were one (at 50 people) of the largest white supremacy groups in America before they went defunct.

    Yet those lies are repeated ad nauseum by the likes of the main-stream press, and used as click-bait by the likes of Kotaku, Polygon, etc. which are treated as gospel instead of being laughed at, as they should...

  • Nov 08, 2018 @ 09:21am

    Actually not. There are very few 'alt-right' people in gaming and those rarities that expose themselves as such get shoved to the side pretty damn quick.

    I'm talking years of on-line gaming (nearly two-decades now). UO. EVE. Everquest. DDO. LOTRO. WOW. STO. DCU. GW. GW2. War Thunder. World of Tanks. World of Warships.

    The reality is that these on-line gaming communities don't put up with it. Not sexism. Not homophobia. Not racism. None of that crap.

    What they care about is winning. How well you tank. How well you DPS. Can you do your job in a raid, event, etc.

    Yet Kotaku, would have you believe it is some toxic troll-paradise.

  • Sep 14, 2017 @ 11:38am

    Re: Discuss

    ArsTechnica has certain political-correctness issues which tend to skew any kind of analysis they do. In short, they're fairly tribal.

    If this was one of their ideological tribe, their answer would be 'let's play is a transformative fair use.' And they have taken/reported that position many times.

    But PDP isn't on their friend's list, so it's not transformative fair use.