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  • Jul 08, 2020 @ 12:19pm

    Missed Opportunity

    I think this is a significant missed opportunity. With 153 signatories, Harpers could have led the start of the uncancelled conversation. How do people that have had dire career consequences become uncancelled. It's a conversation that we will need to have as there's a lot of people that have had Bad Ideas that should lose their jobs. However, should they before forever relegated to a jobless future? No, I think even the person with some of the worst ideas might be salvageable in some regard in the future.

    Of course, this would have been greeted with its own ridicule because some of the people on the list have recently been cancelled. It may have been viewed as being self serving and it would be to some extent. I think that's OK, because we could equally say "Yes, that person was cancelled should be cancelled and if they did some of those things, maybe I'd consider listening to them again."

    Obviously, some people may never allow a given person back into their writers of trust. That's fine. J.K. Rowling probably will never be trusted by the Trans community again - rightly so. However, there could be some action that she takes that may make that would make her palatable to other readers.

    We will need to have this conversation at some point.

  • Oct 19, 2011 @ 01:51am

    Detailed reports aren't the only way

    Great article. I think one way for the public to enter the conversation is through large complaints. It's not efficient and doesn't lead to the best results but eventually governments may listen. I'm thinking of some of the large protests to the GM movement in the past, the UK student protests and now the OWS movements. These seem to be one way to get governments to pay attention.

    Another way is to support NGOs. NGOs might be able to muster resources to help combat the corporate influence. The EFF and UCLA do a good job of this in the US. Much of it is after the fact similar to protests, but they also engage in policy recommendations during the deliberation period.

  • Feb 14, 2006 @ 01:54pm

    Re: Err, what can they do?

    Acutally in the not too distant future companies are going to be changing the way they handle phone calls. Verizon Wireless is going to an IPBackhaul, where from cell site to switch and to where ever it's going the phone call will be completely digital, there will be no more voice. It will be a data call. Basically it's already happening, but chances are no one will make an annoucement. Besides the majority of the profits these companies make is not from voice but from data. They will be able to reduce costs on the voice end by having smaller equipment and increase the amount of data sent at a time so they will need less fiber and stuff like that. This isn't new.