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  • Feb 21, 2015 @ 11:30pm

    because part of the purpose of stingrays etc. is harassment

    I believe that part of the reason they have moved to cockblock diiscovery is that these so-called tools like the Stingray etc. are actually used to harass people via signals manipulation.

    These towers, and the cohort of other military grade weaponry-like the targeted deployment of the King Air 350 and its phot arrays and signals disruption capability; or the geo fencing of entire neighborhoods- are used in ways that make the constitution cringe.

    For instance, a so-called passive Stingtay can be used aggressively, filtering individual phone numbers and then directing what amounts to brute force hacking and DDOS type attacks at the target number, forcing phones- and those who speak on them- out of commission.

    Same with the King Air flyovers of target neighborhoods, using a 'low and slow' method of intercept, and also geo- fencing individuals or entire neighborhoods.

    And lets not get started on how a drone can be used to terrify a person...

    So of course the FBI wants to delay discovery- they dont want Jane Doe to know how they are using these toys of war to terrorize Americans here in America.