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  • Aug 12, 2011 @ 09:15am

    we cancelled long ago

    we cancelled long ago. my husband some 6 yrs ago and me for the second time about a year ago. when i go back and watch at someone else house i wonder how i could had been habituated to that stuff. we have much more time now, save a lot of money and feel calmer since we are not listening to the yelling and manipulating of the various news organizations. this is true of liberal and conservative. mainly making mountains out of molehills and brainwashing the populace. we can afford it but up to 100 dollars a month was wasted and our time on earth was squandered. now we talk, read, knit, surf the net, garden, cook, etc. we have netflix for "tv" in limited amounts and movies. we read the news and i for one do not listen to video reports and cacophony of them is now to much for my ears now that i have been weaned from TV. It is addictive and you can get the good parts when you want in limited quantities without the commercials.