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  • Jan 09, 2018 @ 12:39am


    Come on, this is exactly what US services and Government are trying to do worldwide : Microsoft sued in Justice to deliver to US juridiction mails content that are stored in Europe (Ireland) and protected by our privacy laws, the GAFAM that forbid any breast picture on their sites etc...

    It's unbelievable how the majority here spit in a despicable manner on European laws and don't respect our culture, our rules, our way of life !

    In Europe, we have absolutely no problem with nudity, but here freedom of expression is not total, it's strictly regulated : racism, hate, homophobia... are forbidden. We don't have your Constitution, please just accept it.

    When we (EU citizen) use GAFAM medias, we have to comply with your US rules - if we don't agree, we can use alternatives (Diaspora, Mastodon...), so please do the same : when US companies want to provide services (and make money, often without paying taxes) in EU countries, they have to comply with our legislation and culture, that's all !