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  • Sep 11, 2009 @ 07:17pm

    I've done a report on the PTC before.
    Those people have problems.

    The people complaining generally have NEVER seen the show before.

    Go check out their website.. Check out the shows that they recommend and the shows they find objectionable. It's amusing.

  • Jun 23, 2009 @ 05:04am

    Re: Re: Re:

    I don't care if there are cameras on freeways.. But I definitely don't want it to be a tool for petty law enforcement.
    The USA definitely does not need to be like the UK where there are speed cameras calculating your average speed. We don't need ANY speed cameras.

    I live in Houston... No one drives the speed limit in Houston..

  • May 28, 2009 @ 08:07pm


    Just today I had to "fix" legit software my sister bought. The computer got formatted and the software refused to install again even though they allow 2 licenses. 3 calls to the company never got it resolved even though they claimed they were fixing it so she could install the software again.

    I would like to see statistics for how many times that happens.

    All it ends up doing is infuriating the consumer that bought the product. NONE of their DRM or copy protection stops the people who want to get around it.

  • May 15, 2009 @ 09:59pm

    Information that wasn't possible before? an entirely different form of information gathering online? You can ask people a question and actual humans respond? ...

    Yeah.. We had that back in the day of the BBS. There is nothing new or unique about that. You have always been able to have conversations and ask questions online. Being limited to 140 chars. is seriously bad. You can't put any details in your post. I see absolutely nothing special about twitter.

  • May 06, 2009 @ 10:37am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: WTF?

    I've been up since Sunday.

  • May 06, 2009 @ 10:34am

    Re: Re: Re: Re:

    Yes.. Because our war on drugs has worked so well.
    As long as there is a demand for it.. People will supply it.

    You have to go after everyone to stop it or at least try and minimize it. The people supplying the IDs. The people buying and using the IDs. The businesses who gladly use the people working with the fake IDs.

  • May 06, 2009 @ 10:10am

    Re: Re:

    Wow.. You have a lot of anger.
    Way to shift the blame off the people who want/buy/use the stolen ID. Who is the person who does the actual damage to the people that have had their identities stolen? The person using it. Every time they use the identity they are committing identity theft.

  • May 06, 2009 @ 10:04am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: WTF?

    Perhaps you should google the term "as much."
    Because you obviously don't grasp its meaning.

  • May 06, 2009 @ 09:21am

    Re: Re: WTF?

    You evidently live in an area where you have no knowledge of reality.

    They do not go and photoshop up their own documents with made up numbers. They buy essentially seed information and paperwork. That or they buy someones SSN #. With that they go and get other legit documentation from government offices that fail to ever verify information because they are not allowed to.

    This past weekend in the hospital a family from Mexico was discussing how they had already sold their new born childs SSN to 2 people.

    It's also not as if these people are using their own name and information. They use a different name. Do you really think that none of this ends up linking to actual citizens who followed the law coming here or were born here and might happen to live in the apartment complex of someone who is using a common name for their "completely fake" information?

    As far as the government acting illegally.. No. It wouldn't bother me just as much that they are prosecuting people who ARE committing fraud and various other crimes and should not even be here in the first place. The ruling is splitting hairs. These people SHOULD be prosecuted. They are not going after innocent people.

    The laws wording should have been changed or they need to create another law to deal with it.

  • May 06, 2009 @ 02:02am


    This is a joke of a ruling. God forbid you ever charge an illegal with a crime.

    Having and using a fake ID for fraud isn't ID fraud? I guess every single person now that buys fraudulent documents that doesn't know for sure that it is linked to real information won't be charged.

    Every illegal that gets fraudulent documents does it for financial gain. They don't get them to put their kids in school. The schools are not allowed to ask. They get it to take jobs and cheat the system. Getting a job is financial gain. That explanation Breyer wrote is worthless.

    They need an emergency session to put in a new law or edit the current law to remedy this situation.

  • Apr 21, 2009 @ 11:42am


    It’s better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission..

    But I think that phrase needs to be modified...
    It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission

  • Apr 20, 2009 @ 12:53pm


    Amazing what happens when you act like an actual person and ask nicely..
    I would wager that from this he will probably gain new fans..
    If he had used a lawyer to be a complete prick about it and demanded that it be taken down then he would have gotten laughed at, lost fans, and gotten nothing done.

  • Mar 27, 2009 @ 11:36am

    Think the prosecutor would consider this illegal?

    Think the prosecutor would consider this illegal? Would he file charges against the band? or RCA? I wonder if the prosecutor gets disgusted going to an art museum? Hmm... (That link is not exactly safe for work... Reading further explains why) Scorpions' 1974 album cover for Virgin Killer. The original cover art for the album depicted a naked ten-year-old girl named Jaqueline,[10] with a shattered glass crack effect obscuring her genitals. The image was designed by Steffan Böhle,[11] who was then the product manager for RCA Records.[9] Francis Buchholz was the bassist for the band and, in an interview conducted in early 2007, recollects that the model depicted on the cover was either the daughter or the niece of "the guy who did the cover design."

  • Mar 27, 2009 @ 11:25am

    Re: A few comments

    I doubt the girls or parents of the girls would want the pictures and the faces of their children associated with the lawsuit and/or charges. If I had any kids I sure would not want every stranger to be able to identify them as as they are walking down the street as the hot (semi)naked chick. Too many perverts. I'm surprised the kids names are listed.

  • Mar 27, 2009 @ 11:14am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    Woah woah woah woah woah... I am in Houston.. Do you have a link to that?

    by Anonymous Coward - Mar 27th, 2009 @ 8:41am

  • Mar 27, 2009 @ 11:11am


    Does anyone else find it a little odd that kids under 18 can have consensual sex with one another.. can get pregnant and have kids.. can get married in some states.. but god forbid they take a photo of themselves without a shirt on for another minor to see.

    IMO.. Minors who consensually take/share it with another minor should not face ANY type of criminal charges. Do you really think a girl who is 14 who takes a picture of herself for her BF to see, who doesn't know it is illegal, should be branded a sex offender for her life? That is pure insanity.

    Now.. Any adults who possess the pictures should face charges. And any adult who is somehow involved in the picture taking or forcing of the picture taking should be dealt with very severely.

  • Mar 18, 2009 @ 12:34pm


    All DMCA takedowns should have to be registered with a central place.. Would make it much easier to track BS takedowns.. and go after those who do it.