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  • Nov 03, 2019 @ 08:05am

    Re: Re:

    Sir I like your comment about knowing if you're being followed or not by the NSA. My experience is this you can't help to notice the tenant out windows the people with their hands to their face talking back and forth and the extra police force driving by your house. If you want to know if you're being followed or not take this advice take a 30-minute tour don't call anyone just hop in your car and drive fast real quick and then slow down stop at a gas station for 20 minutes move to the next gas station for another 10 and what's the activity around you you'll know if you're being followed or not this comment sir made me laugh cuz you'll know if you're being followed by the NSA or the FBI. you can't help not to notice. As we speak I have a tale of about 40 cars. Have a nice day but my advice is this if you do get followed try to keep your life right and do the right next thing.