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  • Apr 18, 2014 @ 05:46pm

    Re: Re: Re:

    One more hush crime, about which I just learned too. Pretty clear that, if the races were reversed, you'd have heard about it. Agreed?

  • Apr 18, 2014 @ 07:48am


    The Knockout Game is a tactic used in the low-level race war being waged by US Blacks against whites. It's not the only tactic, and many violent black-on-white attacks (which outnumber the reverse by 9:1) are not characterized as Knockout Game attacks.

    To read up on this, suggest you google "White Girl Bleed a lot" and/or the name Colin Flaherty. I'm not sure I can post links there.

    It's not surprising that you haven't heard of it, because it's part of a class of crimes called, "Hush Crimes," where the mainstream media have all explicitly agreed to censor certain aspects of this crime (race of perp, race of victim). That's why you've never heard of Mona Nelson, or Channon Christian, or Nathan Trapuzzano, or even Roderick Scott.

  • Apr 18, 2014 @ 11:25am

    MSM censorship

    Here's a few minutes worth of research. You should feel free to do your own.,0,136289.story

    Of course, if you still remain unconvinced, ask yourself who those people I referenced above are; there are hundreds more like them.Read their stories, and then ask yourself if the races were reversed, and nothing else changed, would they have been page one stories like Trayvon Martin, or not?