P3T3R5ON 's Techdirt Comments

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  • Should We Be Interested In 'Saving' Any Industry?

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 20 Aug, 2010 @ 08:23am

    absolutly... not!

    Humanity has always progressed forward, sometimes in leaps and bounds other times at a snails pace. But always forward! Forward thinking.. progression.. reasoning..

    When flying cars arrive don't you expect to see the decline of the automobile, paved roads...

    When teleportation is a reality will not the airline industry dissapear?

    With the advent of lighter cars, better mpg, more creature comforts did not the cars of yesterday become scrap to the common commuter?

    Who here still uses a STARtac cellphone? Why not? Because we have Blackberries, iPhones, Droids, Evo's etc. We let go of the past, the outdated.

    Have we not always sought out newer TV's, computers, cars, cellphones, houses, etc ... BIGGER BETTER FASTER! The next generation of anything comes out and we want it. Then why are we even thinking about letting these aged burdens weight us down?

    What if I create a new and blossoming industry call "fiddle-faddle". We create things, wonderful things. But soon trouble hits and the industry is falling... down ... down .. down. Save us! We create wonderful things! Save our industry!

    WHY SHOULD WE? You failed to provide adiquitly, effectivly, with cost affordability. You can not keep up and must be cut off for the better.

    If a leg can not be saved, it is infected and useless, does a doctor not amputate it? Or does he spend 5x the amount of time, medicine, money and surgery trying to fix it. There are wonderful advances in prostetics.. a replacement. The leg dies off and is replaced with something newer and better.

    /end rant...

  • IBM Trying To Patent Cure For Obama's BlackBerry Woes

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 04 Aug, 2010 @ 10:23am


    It's for security purposes...encryption, location scrambling, etc. Having an electronic device with any form of wireless capabilities is like having a homing becon with you. All you need to do is know what device you are looking for and you can find it...

    Don't you watch NCIS man? Probie/Tim does it all the time

  • Copyright Used To Silence 10-Year-Old Girl Raising Money For Charity

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 23 Jul, 2010 @ 07:07am

    of legal age?

    She's 10... she isn't an adult they can't take her to court for this.... justice! where are you?

  • Richard Blumenthal Grandstands Over Violent Video Game Ban, While Publicly Displaying Ignorance Of Facts

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 22 Jul, 2010 @ 10:37am

    And they wonder why

    Politicians have always wondered why they are so hated whenever they open their mouths.... I wonder why....

  • If You're Going To Steal Something, Perhaps Avoid A Phone Demoing A GPS Tracking Program

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 22 Jul, 2010 @ 10:32am

    Ok really?

    10min and he was 1/2 mile away and he was on a bike... if you are going to be a theif, get some proper excercise maybe?

  • Would A Moron In A Hurry Confuse Military Equipment With A Bamboo Fishing Rod?

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 21 Jul, 2010 @ 11:07am

    Silly but legal

    From Wikipedia:
    The term "Skunk Works" is a registered trademark of Lockheed Martin; the company also holds several registrations of it with the United States Patent and Trademark Office

    Yes it's silly but if you enforce any copyright or trademark law you have to enforce them all.

  • Authorities Force 73,000 Blogs Offline?

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 16 Jul, 2010 @ 07:42am

    Jurisdiction anybody?

    Since when did DHS have the rights to enforce copyright?
    Homeland Security is protecting us from EXTERNAL threats, the FBI takes care of INTERNAL threats... and copyright is not a threat so why are they even involved?

  • Aren't There More Important Things For Congress To Focus On Than The iPhone's Crappy Antenna?

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 16 Jul, 2010 @ 07:02am

    Bankrupt, but how ??? /endsarcasm

    Stop wasting my tax dollars Chuck the Schmuck Schumer!


  • Judge Rejects Attempt To Fine Family For Picking Up Discarded Air Conditioning Unit

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 16 Jul, 2010 @ 06:58am

    own place

    This is exactly why I am going to buy my own island and live there and be my own country. Then when people want to come to me with b.s. like this I can kill them for ignorance, stupidity and abuse of oxygen.

  • Another UK Hairdresser Fined For Turning On Her Radio

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 12 Jul, 2010 @ 11:36am

    Hey now

    I go to that barber shop and I bought the radio so I can have something to listen to when I am having my hair done.

    Thus it's a radio for private use not commercial....

    Piss off useless agencies!!!

  • The Government And Silicon Valley: Lead, Follow Or Get Out Of The Way?

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 09 Jun, 2010 @ 10:28am

    Just another

    This is just another perfect example of why we need SMALL government.

    When they start pushing issues like this one, you are not performing a service to anybody.
    The government is only putting on it's "that's how we've always done it" hat and stepping on the little guy who has a better idea (internet).

    Stop making bs policies to hinder the future!

    Open commerce, Freedom of ideas, Survival of the fitest; that's how we stay on top, that's how we keep America strong.

    Besides, why do they even think controlling 309 million Americas is actually going to help you?
    There are ~5.7 billion more people out there that are outside your jurisdiction that can do whatever they want, despite policy.

  • Is Copyright Holding Back Research?

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 08 Jun, 2010 @ 10:57am

    Is Copyright Holding Back Research?


  • Success Of Free D&D Online Leads To Free Lord Of The Rings Online, Too

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 07 Jun, 2010 @ 05:44am

    free mmo's

    Free monthly play MMO's, what a concenpt!
    I hope it spreads....

  • AT&T No Longer Offering Unlimited Data Plan To New Customers

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 02 Jun, 2010 @ 08:54am

    Existing user

    If when my two years is up with AT&T and they want to take away my unlimited plan and force me to use this limited plan bs... I'm gone! Goodbye iPhone, hello Droid!

  • Lady Gaga Says No Problem If People Download Her Music; The Money Is In Touring

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 24 May, 2010 @ 01:30pm

    Even she knows!!!

    Just proof that it's the evil money mongering, cd-stamping recording companies that are the true complainers when it comes to the loss of $ from piracy. Artist makes less then 20% from each cd sale, they aren't the ones lossing the money.

  • Is It Good For Business To Say No To Gov't Requests For Info?

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 21 May, 2010 @ 10:35am

    Re: Ironman


    (just being safe)

  • Is It Good For Business To Say No To Gov't Requests For Info?

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 21 May, 2010 @ 10:31am


    Definatly true.. I mean look at what happen when the "DoD knows best Gov't" did when they stole the ironman suit.

    Stark Industries had every right to say no and was in fact in the right by doing so. It just took a few lives and the descruction of the Stark Expo to proove it... stupid senators.

  • Yet Another Person Sues, Claiming James Cameron Copied The Idea For Avatar

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 21 May, 2010 @ 10:27am


    Growing up I remember playing a game called jinx, not a complicated game, don't have to set aside time to play or need any equipment to do it. You just have to be quick. Whenever you or somebody else said the same thing at the same time the first person to yell "jinx" had the power to silence the other person.. or whatever else you want to do... owe you a coke, whatever.

    So why are people calling jinx on James Cameraon for Avatar?

    It is entirely possible for two people to have similar ideas!!! Even when it comes to the complexities of a movie, book, song, whatever. Not identical... but similar.

    So how does patent/copyright law even begin to define if one person owns the rights to an idea over another person? This is getting rediculous.

  • MPEG-LA Gearing Up To Go Patent Nuclear On Google's Decision To Release Open Video Standard

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 21 May, 2010 @ 10:11am

    Re: Bilsky, Bilsky, Bilsky


  • Wait, Now I Need Security Software For My Car, Too?

    P3T3R5ON ( profile ), 17 May, 2010 @ 05:46am

    Re: Re: Re: Custom patches or mod chips for cars?

    Despite all the aftermarket add-ons for cars these days saying 'not for street use' 'not carb legal' etc.... If your vechicle passes emissions then you're ok. Except you still have to have some safety standards mandated by state law... (exterior lights, dB level, etc)

    'Chipping' a car simply changes a few strings of engine timing code to apply a performance based map for air to fuel ratio in the car... most easily chipped cars are ones that are already running a forced induction application.

    As far as 'hacking' a cars ECU, it's not like taking out a computer on the internet, you need physical access to the vehicle... except OnStar type vehicles.... for now. Once cellphone connectivity comes standard with cars then the ECU will be able to be remotely attacked.

    (insert sarcasm) I'm so glad the the auto industry is finally realizing that this potential threat could soon become a very real issue and much sooner then they think.

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