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  • Jun 09, 2010 @ 06:56am

    The fact that the judge is ruling against dutch law. It is legal to download movies and music. Specially for this reason there is a copy tax on all recording media. So a blank dvd or cd contains a tax. This tax is used to be redistributed amongst artists because of the fact it is legal to download.

    However it is only legal for own use. Not for commercial bussineses. It is not allowed to reproduce for others. The same as it is illigal to share with other. This also includes uploading.

    So because of the legal part of downloading it cannot be illigal to refer to links where you can download.

    Also it is very strange case it is allowed that a judge had got a relation to one of the parties. In this case a realtion with the instituut Brein that is against downlaoding. Also the judge is working with institutes that fight against piracy.

    How can you talk about justice when the one that has to peak law is involved up to his elbows with one party!