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  • May 23, 2012 @ 03:59am

    DISH DVR let's viewer skip ads with one button

    Ya gotta love the comments by some television industry insiders.

  • Feb 04, 2011 @ 10:35am

    Let's see...say I live in lower Mississipi, but I "just happen" to run across a broadcast of the Miami Heat vs. the Detroit Pistons - please tell me how my viewing is depriving anyone of revenue since:
    1) I don't live in either NBA city;
    2) Chances are the game isn't being nationally broadcasted, so it would be otherwise unavailable to me since I live outside the local broadcast areas; and
    3) If it were a national broadcasted game, I would view it on TV since I'm less likely to experience video interruption.

    Heck, even if one lives in an NBA city, but one's favorite team is elsewhere and therefore unavailable through broadcast TV, that's not going to make one run out to the local arena to view a team one has no interest in seeing.

    If the pro sports league would recognize that: 1) internet broadcasts are a legitimate broadcast medium; and 2) do away with the antiquated idea that games of teams one really wants to see should not be available to anyone except the residents of those regions, many viewrs of "pirated" broadcasts would be quite willing to pay a reasonable amount to view a favorite team - without restriction - all season long.

  • Jan 07, 2008 @ 05:56am

    Red Light cameras

    We have had delayed stoplights for years, and folks use the 3 second delay to continue running them. Anyone who does this should be legally punished - hence the cameras and the tickets.

    Regardless of whether the absolute number of accidents increase or decrease with the use of cameras (and since it's a relatively new trend, I doubt that there is enough long-term data to say one way or another in most locales), I would wager that after a few months, the number of serious accidents (i.e., life-threatening and substantial vehicle damage) decrease substantially.

    Check the trends after 3 - 5 years of use, then get back with me.

  • Dec 13, 2006 @ 12:15pm

    Re: Re: completely unprofessional behaviour

    "If you minimal amount of IT skills gives you the assumption that VPN is secure, i'll just sit on your network for a couple of days. And if you think there is no cached or temp copy on your HD when you do use VPN or RDP just give me your laptop once your done."

    That's NOT the issue - the issue is Boeing has already had 4 laptops with personal data swiped, and never did diddly about THAT PARTICULAR PROBLEM at least 1...2...3 times before - duh! Forget the fact that VPN isn't one hundred percent invincible - ANY. PROCESS. OTHER. THAN. ALLOWING. PERSONNEL. TO. REMOVE. LAPTOPS. FROM. THE. OFFICE. WOULD. BE. MORE. SECURE!

  • Dec 07, 2006 @ 05:43am

    Re: What are the Alternatives?

    To Search ENGINES Web:

    Yeah, right, o' clueless shill for the advertising industry. Next you're gonna tell us that YOU do NOT use ad filters, pop-up blockers, or any other type of technology to minimize INTRUSIVE advertising on your own computer(s), right?

    Trust me on this - repeated attempts to FORCE me to view content I am uninterested in will guarantee that I. Will. Never. Purchase. Products. Or. Services. From. That. Party. EVER!