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Trevor Fassbinder

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  • Dec 18, 2007 @ 08:58am

    We were supposed to learn German too

    There was a time about...20 years back? When everyone was clamoring about needing to learn German in the tech/science department. What happened? Hell if I know.

    Same thing is going on here. People are just trying to forecast the future, kinda like global warming, and people are never correct on the subject of forecasting the future. What you CAN forecast is there is going to be a shift of the importance of different languages.

    And Iron Tech,just because 3 billion (where did you get that number from?) people know a language doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to have to use that language or that it'll become the "dominant" language. Lots of people learn different languages for different reasons. If you want to go into business, then yeah, you probably want to learn mandarin.