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  • Jan 24, 2016 @ 10:08am

    Prosecutor NEEDS TO GO TO JAIL!!!

    Pam Hupp and Ms Askey NEED to be in jail together! No EXCUSES!!!
    Ms Askey has went in with her life as if nothing is going on
    After putting an innocent man in PRISON? Let Ms Askey pay for her
    Criminal negligence in not looking at the real suspect!!
    Perhaps with the new story that Pam Hupp brought a sack of cash to the
    Office of Ms Askey, don't you wonder if MS ASKEY took cash?
    Look in the records people ASKEY is in financial trouble she has property that was almost sold on the courthouse stairs!!! Come on doesn't this SCREAM of a coverup? Something is fishy... Check the money trail and subpoena Askey's financial transactions around the same time Hupp brought the "sack of cash"!!! Why aren't people DIGGING into Askey MORE? Take your blinders off people Lincoln County is FULL of crooks!

  • Nov 08, 2015 @ 09:23pm

    Arrest this prosecutor!!! How stupid is Lincoln County???
    Arrest Askey for her role in sending an innocent man to jail and
    Misery!!! Get rid of the Loncoln County Judge that allowed this and let
    The Attorney General CLEAN HOUSE!!! Lincoln County
    Residents should be DEMANDING THIS!!! After
    All of this and the other cases overturned.. There is something

  • Aug 15, 2015 @ 02:33pm

    Leah Askey deserves to be fired immediately

    not only that but disbarred. Has ANYONE stopped to think that
    Perhaps the husband KNEW of her dirty dealings and he was just
    Not in the position or too emotionally upset by her AFFAIRS, to come forward with her misconduct at the time. Hopefully someone tells the truth here and Russ will stay a free man, Leah Askey will be DISBARRED,Pam Hupp will get ARRESTED like she should have been in the FIRST PLACE, and these families can move on with their lives. Leah Askey is what's wrong with our Criminal Justice system.. A blood thirst for power, position and money. Remove her from Office. I suggest EVERYONE reading this writes to the Atty General themselves asking for Leah Askey to be disbarred!!! Get one corrupt PA out of our courts, We can make a difference. Only when true Justice is served will the Faria family be able to move forward in peace. DISBAR LEAH ASKEY!!!

  • Jun 17, 2015 @ 06:21pm

    Why isn't Lincoln County Firing Askey?

    This woman is a DISGRACE to her office, her FAMILY, and herself!! Why isn't Lincoln County or at the very least the STATE OF MISSOURI firing this crazy Woman!! Why has she been allowed to step in and start to proceed in a second trial against Russ Faria!!! She's an adulterer and she has no business in office when she is sleeping with the cops to get her convictions!! Isn't anyone wondering HOW MANY CASES THAT THIS POWER ABUSING B**** HAS THROWN??? It's high time someone fires her and starts REVIEWING EVERY CASE SHES WORKED ON. If I were anyone that she prosecuted I would be asking for a NEW TRIAL!! She's CROOKED! People of Lincoln County OPEN YOUR EYES DEMAND SHES FIRED! Do it before it's one of YOUR relatives!!!