phlypp 's Techdirt Comments

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  • FCC Claims Perfectly-Timed Regulatory Handout To Sinclair Is Just Quirky Happenstance

    phlypp ( profile ), 01 Jun, 2018 @ 07:28pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Another hit for democracy

    "Journalism and our "free press" will be the big loser in the long run because we won't be able to trust anything they tell us..."

    Exactly. That's why 'Fake News' became a thing in the last two years, so no one will know who to trust. Except those with eyes wide open who use facts instead of alternate facts. Who does obscuring and confusing the truth benefit? Only the corrupt!

  • FCC Claims Perfectly-Timed Regulatory Handout To Sinclair Is Just Quirky Happenstance

    phlypp ( profile ), 01 Jun, 2018 @ 07:24pm

    Re: Re: Re: Another hit for democracy

    So the robbers were caught with their weapons and the bank's money. The masks used in the robbery were in their possession. But lets have another viewpoint before making any conclusions. It doesn't get much clearer than this.

  • FCC Claims Perfectly-Timed Regulatory Handout To Sinclair Is Just Quirky Happenstance

    phlypp ( profile ), 01 Jun, 2018 @ 07:22pm

    Re: Re: Another hit for democracy

    Please, you're embarrassing yourself. It's easy to see who benefits and who doesn't, regardless of the distractions and obfuscations put up by trolls. The GOP gets an expanded party organ to spread their propaganda. Sinclair gets more $Billions. George Soros obtains no benefits either way.

  • FCC Claims Perfectly-Timed Regulatory Handout To Sinclair Is Just Quirky Happenstance

    phlypp ( profile ), 01 Jun, 2018 @ 07:13pm

    Re: Re: Another hit for democracy

    George Soros is nothing but a distraction and obfuscation, as you know with your distractions and obfuscations. It's very simple to determine who benefits and who doesn't. The Republican Party gets another party organ to spread their propaganda. Sinclair gets the opportunity to make even more $Billions. George Soros receives no benefit whatsoever.

  • Obama Promise To 'Protect Whistleblowers' Just Disappeared From

    phlypp ( profile ), 26 Jul, 2013 @ 02:19pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re:

    President Obama's term started in January, 2009, the year after FISA 2008 was instituted which authorized the NSA to violate the constitution .

  • Obama Promise To 'Protect Whistleblowers' Just Disappeared From

    phlypp ( profile ), 26 Jul, 2013 @ 02:15pm

    Re: Re:

    Uh, Wally. The laws and systems that Edward Snowden exposed were initiated by the previous Administration and Republican Congressmen have universally denounced Snowden as a traitor and spy. In other words, this article doesn't demonstrate any Obama corruption but does show your hatred for the President simply because you hate the President. Is it the NSA spying that has you riled up or the fact that Snowden is a whistle blower that's being treated as a traitor?

  • Obama Promise To 'Protect Whistleblowers' Just Disappeared From

    phlypp ( profile ), 26 Jul, 2013 @ 02:27pm

    Hmmm, maybe that's not the best idea...

    Looks like President Obama has learned why no other President in history tried to bring transparency to their Administration. Compare that to Nixon who turned paranoia and secrecy into a new art form during his reign.