Yermom 's Techdirt Comments

Latest Comments (13) comment rss

  • Man Actually Arrested For Assault With A Deadly Tweet

    Yermom ( profile ), 22 Mar, 2017 @ 09:00am

    Re: Deadly weapon?

    The medium is the message...

  • Man Actually Arrested For Assault With A Deadly Tweet

    Yermom ( profile ), 22 Mar, 2017 @ 09:03am

    Insert Trump joke here?

    Come knew it was coming!

  • Would You Be Tempted By This 'Grand Bargain' On Privacy?

    Yermom ( profile ), 31 Oct, 2016 @ 09:41am


    Bankers do not have a fiduciary relationship?

    fiduciary. 1) n. from the Latin fiducia, meaning "trust," a person (or a business like a bank or stock brokerage) who has the power and obligation to act for another (often called the beneficiary) under circumstances which require total trust, good faith and honesty.

  • Would You Be Tempted By This 'Grand Bargain' On Privacy?

    Yermom ( profile ), 31 Oct, 2016 @ 09:44am

    Ummm...Private companies?

    If I run a private company, I am going to do damn well whatever I want. If I get paid from IHOP, I'll give you directions that require three trips around the IHOP parking lot! If you don't like the 'experience', go to another site.

  • 'When Is A Chair Just A Chair?' And Other Annoying Copyright Questions

    Yermom ( profile ), 03 Oct, 2016 @ 06:33am

    WAIT A GD MINUTE!!!!!!

    Ohhhh, Is it me or this a bit hypocritical?!?
    No one stole your chair!
    You still have your chair!
    You haven't been hurt.
    What's the problem now?!?

  • Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt

    Yermom ( profile ), 05 Sep, 2016 @ 04:58pm

    Re: Re: Copying TANGIBLES may not be theft...

    You make scale models... Did you buy a kit?

    There are many examples of copyrighted dances. Google Martha Graham and what happened after her death.

    "A copy is not a lost sale' is not a fact. It is a nice statement.

    "The natural function of an idea is to be copied"?! I have no words...

    Playing the national anthem is also invalid.That song is not protected.

    If you play my song in the privacy of your home, I have no issues. If you play it at a public venue and represent it as yours, I would say that is theft.

    As previously stated -Theft and harm can be mutually exclusive.

  • Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt

    Yermom ( profile ), 05 Sep, 2016 @ 02:38pm

    Copying TANGIBLES may not be theft...

    Big TD fan for years. Gotta disagree on this.

    Nearly every example given is a tangible item- lollipops for example. But if the expression itself is the item that is copied then copying IS theft. If I write a song or choreograph a dance, by copying you have stolen without taking anything tangible. Wrong/right aside, it is theft. I'm aware of the arguments that 'recording groups are bad', 'copyrights are wrong', 'promotion is good at the end', but I don't buy it here. If someone else sings my song or dances my dance, then how do you argue that is not theft?

  • Standards Body Whines That People Who Want Free Access To The Law Probably Also Want 'Free Sex'

    Yermom ( profile ), 08 Jul, 2016 @ 09:32am

    Re: Re: Re:

    and by 'professional' you mean 'professional sex worker' or 'business professional'?

  • Lessons On Censorship From Syria's Internet Filter Machines

    Yermom ( profile ), 27 Nov, 2014 @ 07:46am

    The top allowed sites

    So just for giggles, I looked at what IS allowed in Syria - as far as URLs that we're not censored. Google- ok I know that one. - probably just another YouTube clone- DOH! It's a pretty graphic porn site. Glad they allow porn, but not Facebook.
    Gstatic- doesn't come up. Ok XVideos again..just kidding.

  • Judge Orders Satirical Site To Remove Joke Story About Fictional Giraffe Attack

    Yermom ( profile ), 05 Mar, 2010 @ 10:27am

    Please join the casue to prevent these horrible events from ever happening again!

    I was saddedned to hear about the horrible giraffe massacre, and hope that my contribution will provide additional giraffe security and pay your legal bills for those bastards that dared make fun of your precious bestiality sanctuary. I will be cancelling my birthdy party immediately for fear of future bestly incidents. Enclosed please find my utter disgust, a large amoutn of condecension, and fourteen ROFLs to send to the families of those that sacrificed their lives to this horrible, mean event. I truly hope your business does not suffer due to the fact that you take free publicity and spend my hard earned money on lawyers instead of giraffe training classes.


  • Jammie Thomas Decides To Appeal Constitutionality Of $1.92 Million Damages Award

    Yermom ( profile ), 02 Jul, 2009 @ 08:28am

    Yeah, but...

    1. She's not paying for the lawyers - incompetent as they are.
    2. Worst case, she declares bankruptcy and owes jack.
    3. Hunt down her parents and ask them WTF they were on when they NAMED THEIR CHILD, and send me some to smoke after my long day.

  • Lawsuit Claims Kid Never Would Have Killed Abusive Father Without Playing GTA

    Yermom ( profile ), 28 Sep, 2006 @ 08:25am

    oh yeah and another thing

    Can I blame Pac man for my going to raves and rolling on X every night?

    When is Jack gonna get on's TheArmyOfOne game. I know the kid played that game too.

  • Lawsuit Claims Kid Never Would Have Killed Abusive Father Without Playing GTA

    Yermom ( profile ), 28 Sep, 2006 @ 08:07am

    Re: Re: Re: I think it's easier to prove ...

    Umm, you think we're NOT a dictatorship?
    YOU need to wake up.