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  • Oct 22, 2016 @ 06:26am

    NYT article about new prison population

    FWIW - more poor, rural, white prison population with much longer sentences

  • Oct 21, 2016 @ 02:23pm

    Re: What police work is like...

    so, people who cannot consider another's point of view slam police who are expected to not only consider their point of view, but be always gracious and talk them down.
    Enough, you're right if that's what you want. Have a good day.

  • Oct 21, 2016 @ 01:32pm

    Re: Re: Re: policing

    It's sad that bad neighborhoods exist and we can debate why they exist until we turn blue. Yes, poverty and discrimination are major suspects and people are trapped there.
    But it still means that some people are scared and need police protection. Yes, good police protection. But they are also afraid to report crimes in their neighborhood because some neighbors may hurt them and some police have gone bad. Read Ghettoside if you're interested.

    It's hard to recruit police for neighborhoods that don't get resources, who are often hassled (and now are probably seem as all Ferguson type police) and now the true criminals have another reason to harass police, are in dangerous situations, have to try to solve societal problems like the dumping of the mentally ill onto the streets etc.

    Then we have the major unspoken issue of our younger generation not being able to make smalltalk - the major skill needed to talk someone else down. They can't text a person down and panic when comfronted will real situations. No matter how much training you give them, if their default communication is texting etc., they will find it hard to snap to actually talking to people.

    Soon it may become a self-fulfilling prophecy; only criminals and the violent will want to be police?

    I am sooo tired of hearing armchair quarterbacks thinking they know what police work is like. The map is not the territory.

  • Oct 21, 2016 @ 10:52am

    Re: policing

    I have worked with the police at detox which often meant dealing with admissions that were out of control.
    Although I meet a few bad police, there were much much more wonderful police that were spit at, swore at, dealt with violence night after night after night and remained good police. Some admissions knew they could abuse the police and staff because they are not supposed to react, or sometimes even defend, themselves.
    It seems common to believe police are looking for a reason to restrain and shoot people. And that you can 'talk down' anyone, no matter how much they are out of control from drugs or whatever.
    This simply is not true. Hardly anyone wanted to restrain a person because they and/or the patient could get hurt.
    Yes, some videos are disturbing and the police didn't try to talk down some incidents or even escalated the situation. But also remember that it's easy to bash the police and some people have resentment from being arrested for the right reasons.
    Good police officers are already leaving the force because they are afraid they cannot use force to protect themselves, are afraid of getting sued and sick of being criticized publicly and privately. Now criminals can use Ferguson and such to taunt the police.
    Also remember that there are bad neighborhoods where the good people depend on the police for protection.