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  • Jan 18, 2022 @ 05:57pm

    Re: Unpopular Opinion

    This is not reasonable at all, I'm not sure if the courts understand what kind of bag of worms they just created on this. That means any price watch, price grabber, etc... Any site that has any data on items being sold can now be suid. Any site that data grabs can be affected by this. Now, this might be good or bad depending on your point of you but it will cause issues with any price watch site even sites that does review and label price on the reviews. the list can go on and on.

  • Mar 13, 2012 @ 11:02am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: It can be.

    But the whole problem is it not stolen never was. So if copying is legal and infringment is not illegal (civil matter) than your entire agrument is false Doug D. Even on a morale level lets brake it down to common things

    Number one nothing was ever stolen!

    Copying is not illegal therefor cannot be considered stealing.

    Copying is a form of reproduction using certian tools. in this instance a program is used to create a Wave, MP3 or CD image of a CD(which the cd is not stolen). Than you have your new item that is a copy of another item which was never stolen.

    So again what is ecatly stolen? Cannot be stealing because again nothing was never stolen. Now you can argue that someone out there stole the CD's than made copies of a stolen cd than maybe that would be stealing?

    Just like when we back in the 80's use to make copies of tapes or Mix tapes of songs from the radio or tapes and records. Still not Stealing. Or have anything stolen.

  • Jan 28, 2011 @ 07:25am

    Fight Back

    What people need to do is Sue Sony fight back tell these companies that they have no right to say what we do with products that I legally buy. If I want change the software, hardware, throw it into BBQ Whatever. It's is mine I bought it I did not rent or lease. People Need to stop complaining and do something, everybody here who wrote something and owns a PS3 Should go spend the 50 to 100 to file a lawsuit and sue Sony for this! Also File a compliant with every government faction you can. We need to Stand up For our rights!!!

  • Dec 29, 2010 @ 10:06am

    More Info

    There as to be more to this case? If not than this really is an abuse of the law and whoever this prosecutor is should lose there job or even be filed for criminal charges for abusing the law.

    Also if a judge even allows this to go further they need to have there job seriously be reconsidered.

    Second his wife is committing adultery and there are more worried about a husband who figured out his wife password to find out if she was having an affair. What IS going on with this country and the law.

  • Jun 22, 2009 @ 09:11am

    |These record companies, or getting out of hand to the point of being criminal. They need to be stopped once and for and people need to start organizing a pirate party in America to tackle these greedy business owners who think they can get away with anything, but until the people unit we will just sit hear and complain and shrug our shoulders.

  • Jun 08, 2009 @ 01:29pm

    Just show how much people don't realize that this government does not care about the people or inovation, and just what ever the lobbist give them money for.

  • Apr 21, 2009 @ 04:59pm

    Enough said

  • Sep 17, 2008 @ 07:44am

    People need to realize that this government one does not care at all about the people. Two only care about the pocket book for themselves and the people who provide it.

    Our Government has gotten so out of touch about the people who voted them in. That they turly belive they can do what they want, because you know what we let them.

  • Sep 12, 2008 @ 10:52am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    If people are really that upset ,and want to change than everybody needs to go to whoever you purchase it, and demand your money back. Than if you cannot do that start up a class action suit against not being able to return the Item. Because the only way the you can see the license agreement ist to open the product if you choose to not except you should be legally able to return for you money back. People need to stand up for what they want and make an effort to put back in there face. Flood them with calls, Call up EA and demand them to refund your money.

  • Sep 12, 2008 @ 09:30am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Google

    Again another person clearly clueless about how the Democrats do not have control. Let me just say that they do not have to have control you need to be able to have more votes to stop the Veto of Bush. So if you do not have enough votes to override any veto threat by bush than how is the senate suppose to pass any bill unless bush agrees? That goes back to how can the Democrats be running the country when anything the try to pass does not have enough votes because they do not have the full majority. Just Curious Unless I am wrong.