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  • May 10, 2019 @ 09:34am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Almost time to riot

    The fantasies are entirely yours snowflake.
    You have a big mouth on facts....
    So why don't you use them to base your own opinions?
    Look up the FBI and free states like Texas crime statistics. Every one credits thousands of cases annually where the presence or potential presence of a gun was the primary cause of failure of a criminal act.
    Or try the Stanford surveys of prison inmates who unanimously stated that their choice of victims was heavily influenced by their even suspecting that they might be carrying a gun.
    I myself have shot two criminals in the act of armed robbery ending their lives and their crime sprees. No doubt you live in NY or LA etc where your perceptions are severely limited by your lack of exposure to reality. The media filters your information in order to bend your opinion.
    Facts are facts and they don't support your opinion of guns or gun owners.....