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Anti Antidirt

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  • Mar 07, 2017 @ 01:27pm

    Think of all the possible ways they can get your messages without actually breaking encryption.

    Yeah. A lot. The paradigm of technology and security needs to change.

    On Android, when you install a 3rd party keyboard, you'll get a notification about how the developer can intercept what you type (SwiftKey anyone?).

    When something new is around the corner, security should be paramount, not an afterthought once we realize it's broken.

    I don't think there is enough black electrical tape in the world for every cell phone and webcam.

  • Mar 02, 2017 @ 06:00pm

    We need to stop fattening the pockets of these broken cities.

    Also, I invented email.

  • Feb 22, 2017 @ 09:21am


    I have replaced numerous batteries and screens on phones in the past, and I can say that none of those exploded or caught fire. I also never cut my finger.

    Look back ten years ago at phone insurance. It was a scam and still is. You pay every month and then a flat fee if you make a claim. Anyone with phone insurance now is getting taken because with a basic Internet search and a few bucks, almost any phone can be repaired.

    Last year, I actually got the opportunity to work on a friend's farm. I had the chance of combining corn and soybeans. When that combine has a problem, you call John Deere and it's an instant $100 before any work is even done. Gee, I wonder why these companies are fighting so hard.

    We're making people more incompetent by restricting what people are allowed to do and making it sound dangerous. What year is this?

  • Feb 21, 2017 @ 10:33pm

    Keep 'em home then.

    Private schools? Let the parents decide by choosing where their children go.

    Government schools? Better start home-schooling.