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  • Jul 25, 2017 @ 09:10pm

    I don't see the big deal

    What's the big deal, most fanfic authors will be stuck in a deadend job they hate, would you rather them be miserable enough b/c they'll never be a big hit like the original authors and might kill themselves b/c their lives fucking sucks or they'll waste away and. either become loners or abusive thugs, no would you want that to become of your fans? B/c the people who write fabrics are hardcore fans literally and b/c they had a taste of the boring world where you are stuck in a discount retail store working for minimum wage and still living with their parents sooner or later those people who aren't allowed to make money off of fanfics will most likely kill themselves others like myself will just be like the 40yr old virgin minus the waxing part of course, b/c I see what you are saying but it doesn't seem fair b/c well, what if they can never come up w an original idea, they'll be stuck in a menial job that they loathe for the rest of their lives and all. Imagine that original authors, if you don't allow fanfic authors to make a profit you will, 1. Ruin a percentage of your fanbase. 2. You will be signing their death certufs even if you never touched them and its still counts as the original author killing the fanfic authors even if the fanfic authors killed themselves and all I'm just saying. People don't like working menial jobs they would rather get paid for something they love doing or they would rather not be alive anymore, it would be a struggle b/c they would have nothing to live for at all, if you don't allow fanfic authors to make a profit from original works think on this folks would you rather have fanfic authors kill themselves if you do then THE ONES THAT DO WISH THAT FANFIC AUTHORS WOULD KILL THEMSELVES ARE NO LONGER REAL HUJMAN BEINGS, ONCE YOU CROSS THAT LINE OF WISHING SOMEONE HARM LIKE THAT YOU ARE NO LONGER CONSIDERED HUMAN IN MY EYES YOU ARE CONSIDERED A DEMON(LIKE THE ONES IN THE TV SERIES "CHARMED") AND DESERVED TO BE VANQUISHED. SO LISTEN UP YOU PEOPLE ORIGINAL AUTHORS AND FANFIC AUTHORS ALIKE.