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  • Jan 08, 2010 @ 08:53am

    I wonder who will be the first to claim, IP on the Marijuana leaf....

  • Jan 04, 2010 @ 03:45pm

    TSA=Tourism Suppression Administration?

    As a Canadian who enjoys traveling, I find the USA far less appealing than it once was. I have a lot of good friends who live south of the boarder who, unfortunately, I will never visit again.
    Driving into the USA is ridicules with the American boarder guards overstepping their duty, responsibility and position at every opportunity. The Homeland security is as close to being a Gestapo Force as one can imagine. TSA does there damn best at making ordinary people reconsider traveling to the USA.
    I am not alone when I say,"My tourist dollars in 2010 and beyond will not be spent in the US. Also,I will not be on international flights that touch down on American soil until such time as the American administrations show respect for their neighbours,as well as their own citizens."

  • Apr 30, 2009 @ 10:09pm

    Piracy and Canada

    I used to like Americans, but I'm just sick and tired oftheir endless Bull$**t.It never ceases to amaze me at the level of, and/or lack there of intelligence that is attributed to the elected politician and officials in the United states of America. What is really astounding is that they are elected! It is a daily occurrence to read what those uneducated imbeciles preach and believe. As a Canadian, I would like a 25KM. buffer zone between Canada and the USA extending from the 49th Parallel south. This ribbon of land can be used to house the offices required to analyze and return all information and / or exports headed north from the USA. It can be used to tax-the-hell-out-of all Canadian exports to the USA, including, water, petroleum products, grain, meats, minerals and wood products. (Canada doesn't need any American exports, we have enough guns and pollution as it is.)This 25km. area could also house all the asylums used to correct and educate the multitude of dysfunctional US Politicians and officials. It would also offer an area that Canadians headed south could change their minds, have a big laugh about their error and then return home without being thought of as an idiot.Canada would be better off with the 25km. ribbon of no-mans-land than having the USA as neighbours. Oh, km. is an abbreviation for kilometer, it's a metric form of measure that the entire world, except the USA uses.