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  • Oct 09, 2014 @ 04:20pm

    I noticed that the victim did not get off a shot, so I imagine he recognized the intruders as police. I live in a rural area. A reasonably safe place, but there is some meth in the area. My fear is that the police will come to my door by mistake. If that happens, I will probably be killed. It is offensive to me that as a veteran and law abiding citizen that I should have to worry about this. Home invaders sometimes yell "Police!Search Warrant!" when they break into a home. That happened about four miles from where I live. It is my duty to protect my family from those who would do them harm. If Jesus himself breaks down my door, I am going to try to stop him with whatever force I can muster. And I don't think the homeowner having a gun is a real issue here. I think we all know that he would have been executed if he had been brandishing a knife, or a golf club, or a fireplace poker.

  • Sep 20, 2012 @ 03:58pm


    She is a terrible, awful person.

  • Sep 17, 2012 @ 06:34pm

    follow the money

    I don't have the information, but I wonder how the professor and the school stand to profit from the students buying this useless book instead of re-using last year's version.