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  • Dec 22, 2011 @ 02:32am


    Things like this make me despair for the future. I wish more people realized that "piracy" is the new "terrorist" of buzzwords. They'll make a big fuss over it, be made to look like idiots, and come up with a new word... possibly "ponies" or "nanomachines" if you look at what they've freaked out about lately (the point being EVERYTHING. They've gone bananas over everything lately, so who knows what's next?) Also, I've just copyrighted this post, so no reposting or I'll get the government on your ass! :P

  • Dec 21, 2011 @ 04:32am

    Good advice!

    I'll do that. I'm currently going back to school to work on a hardware support degree, but if I take another year I can tack on a network support degree too... maybe I'll do that.

  • Dec 20, 2011 @ 04:35am

    Outsider's point of view

    I don't really know a lot about SOPA yet, but I've been researching it. I'm fairly tech savvy, I did well in computer programming classes and networking classes I've taken in the past, although I don't know all the ins and outs of DNS. However, going off of what I've read and seen so far, the arguments presented here both have points. Caveat to that statement, however, is the fact that Mr. Masnick's argument is more accurately and concisely presented. The Anonymous Coward's side (what IS your name good sir?) is mostly fluff and rhetoric, though to be fair I don't see SOPA being QUITE as bad as all that. I'd still not like to see it passed, if only because I feel there is already enough governmental interference in my life, and I quite enjoy my internet like it is: full of pirates, wenches, and gold if you look hard enough.