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  • Nov 06, 2009 @ 05:51am


    Geeze, gotta love all the 'capitalism brainwashing' that has gone on. You people actually think that it's a GOOD idea?! Wow, and you wonder why the economic model we live under sucks. Keep believing it and keep wondering why people/company loose money hand over fist in order for their own personal gain....yeah...that really helps us out.....

    This is about money and NOTHING else. Considering that money doesn't exists any more other than an idea, I find it highly amusing at the rousing cry of 'they worked for it so we should be paying them in order to use their name or image....' Bet you people never downloaded a song from The Pirate Bay or Limewire either.....f*&^ing hypocrites.

  • Sep 23, 2009 @ 06:28am

    And the shift hits the fan.....

    So now companies are so badly managed, as to not withstand a downturn in the economy, they turn to crying desperate pleas of 'they are walking on our lawn!' so that noone else can possibly sell anything that even hints at competition. Where will it stop? With Loreal now sue Sears for having a Britnay Spears perfume sitting on the shelf next to it because 'people may buy the OTHER perform because it's trying to be like Loreal'? No different in the digital world. This is simple a shift in mentality and what, used to be called, an open market is. With searches and ads being built on keywords, how does this differ than any other advertising campaign? Maybe I should start a company called "Advertising Campaign" and sue anyone who ever uses those two words in their corporate documentation? Are people so confused that they actually believe that competition never, ever uses another company's product to promote their own? How soon people forget their history lesson ( But companies will do anything to get more advertising for free I suppose....

  • Sep 21, 2009 @ 05:31am

    file sharing?

    "get rid of all software that allows sharing of files"

    Wow....that means microsoft can get sued for creating Active Directory....or ARPANET for creating the internet? hell, let's go after Xerox......oooh....better yet, the guys who created the printing press! Oh! Storytellers of Native American Indians too! They are all 'sharing information'....

    Geeze, mankind has a long way to go to wake up. I suggest everyone get a copy (free!) of "Steal this movie" part one and 2. Of keen note, pay attention in part two where they talk about the printing press and how illegal it was initially....

  • Sep 21, 2009 @ 05:25am


    Is this another version of 'us riaa/hollywood enforcing it's laws on another country'? People need to learn about Proxies....and usenet....

  • Sep 04, 2009 @ 05:46am

    What will happen will be that because these companies can't make money from selling their schlock, they'll simply force the ISP's into some sort of levy charge which will trickle down to a money fee added to your bill. When you really think about it, that will probably be the best method and will probably make them more money in the long run (continuous streams of income is better than a random flux of cash).

    Wait for it....

  • Sep 04, 2009 @ 05:15am

    The interview Link

    It's not a TechDirt's FreakBits....they are broken. I'm sure the link itself is fine....once the website is up and running proper. Thanks for showing your technological ignorance.

  • Sep 03, 2009 @ 02:54pm

    Damn good thing....

    they don't edit these TV released movies eh? Otherwise we'd get the full versions with nudity, sex and outright violence......oh wait.....
