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  • Apr 02, 2017 @ 05:48am

    Been happening in Australia for ages...

    There is a company in Australia that has been doing exactly this probably ever since the internet became a thing back in the 90s...

    They purchase all the data from all the main datacentres in Australia then put it all into a giant database and as a customer you bbuy access to categories.

    Then what you can do is figure out how well your sites does compared to others based on criteria. Mostly useful for figuring out where to spend ad dollars or how you are doing with keywords etc. Obviously not restricted to jsut your site - however that is usually why you subscribe to the data feed to use the information to make more money for your company as it is pretty expensive.

    Too bad I have forgotten the name of the company, people here probably know what I'm talking about though...

  • Aug 14, 2013 @ 06:16am

    I'll work for them...

    I pretty handy with a computer and administering Active Directory ;)

  • May 14, 2012 @ 08:20pm

    Excellent, $10 and Jokes on my phone

    Didn't know about this guy - he is funny and I bought both of his audio files as I drive a lot or go on planes and travel. Video is nice however most comedy works in audio only mode.

    Since it is open and DRM free I could have jumped on usenet and got it for free (surely??), the reason I didn't? his site is awesome!! you can listen to a preview to see if it is funny then you can download it and have it on your pc quicker than searching usenet.

    Plus he has interesting content regarding the process of putting this content up and seeing what happened, so I have something to do while I wait for the download to complete.

    Seriously content creators need to get a clue and have this extra access to their wares, people with cash will part with it...

  • Mar 19, 2012 @ 06:50pm

    The Drones need to Communicate with a Land Based Network

    which is identifiable via a traceroute...

    So actually planes are not required.

    This is why the whole refurbished oil rig will not work either because all the that local government on land has to do is go up to that building and unplug the power. No Power, No Network, No INTERNETz!

    Really the plan needs to be build a global network that is too big to shut down as shutting it down will mean turning off the internet for multiple millions of subscribers and that is a pretty tall order for any government to consider to stamp out 20% of illegal traffic (yes I made that number up).

    As always it comes back to the IP holders of video need to pull their finger out and setup a simple site that accepts payments for any video available and collect money. Then they need to be the one's releasing the content to usenet/bittorrent/ftp/http servers/trackers/whatever as well as their iTunes/Amazon/etc stores with links back to the site that collects money.

    Wish they'd employ me and pay me multi millions of dollars (once setup I could then go join the Gates Foundation and do something useful with the money) to set this up, instead of pursuing their current model of sue and fail.

  • Mar 19, 2012 @ 06:45pm

    The Drones need to Communicate with a Land Based Network

    which is identifiable via a traceroute...

    So actually planes are not required.

    This is why the whole refurbished oil rig will not work either because all the that local government on land has to do is go up to that building and unplug the power. No Power, No Network, No INTERNETz!

    Really the plan needs to be build a global network that is too big to shut down as shutting it down will mean turning off the internet for multiple millions of subscribers and that is a pretty tall order for any government to consider to stamp out 20% of illegal traffic (yes I made that number up).

    As always it comes back to the IP holders of video need to pull their finger out and setup a simple site that accepts payments for any video available and collect money. Then they need to be the one's releasing the content to usenet/bittorrent/ftp/http servers/trackers/whatever as well as their iTunes/Amazon/etc stores with links back to the site that collects money.

    Wish they'd employ me and pay me multi millions of dollars (once setup I could then go join the Gates Foundation and do something useful with the money) to set this up, instead of pursuing their current model of sue and fail.